Live Recording of Knobs in LIVE RECORDING mode

Ok so I’m still new to syntakt and digitone and digitakt world but learning and loving the trinity, but I don’t know the answer to this or find the answer yet.

Example: Take a sound and record it in LIVE RECORDING mode. Just press a trig / note and hold it and then tweak your tune knob (or any knob) while you’re holding the trig / note key down and it’s recording.

When it’s done it plays back in like steps instead of like how you tweaked it? Is this normal for the units to do that?

I wish it would record smoothly the way I tweaked the knob which would be much more beneficial in my opinion.


It would be great but the way they work doesn’t allow for parameter slides, using an lfo or two is your only option.

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Trig slides is a big request in the digi series.


I’m not sure trig slides or parameter slides is what I’m talking about?

I just want the device to record my knob movements exactly as I do it in live recording mode and not sound stepped / sequenced on play back.

But if that is what it is then I vote we need the slide stuff!


What is actually being recorded when you do that is the position of the knob at each step, and then those parameters are p locked on those steps. So all the stepping you are hearing is from those p locks. On other older machines you could make those P-locks change smoothly, but on the newer ones they are always stepped.


Yes it’s what you’re looking for. It does the same as glide for the pitch on Digitone: values are recorded per step the extrapolated between them.
Such feature is thee on the Analog series and Octatrack (and Monomachine) but not on Digi nor model series unfortunately.
You can fake it by programming some LFOs for each steps but it’s incredibly tedious.

We can only accept the way Digi work right now, and hope for a better future…

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I also wish proper smooth automation recording was available. Trig slides would be a decent compromise. I was originally super disappointed at first but have had plenty of time to get used to it. It’s possible using a DAW or another device to automate, but it feels like a lot of unnecessary effort. A missed opportunity - LFOs just aren’t anywhere near the same. Of course it would present a design problem, but I think it’s worth finding a way to solve it for the sake of increased expression.

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Yeah I’ll deal with it the way it is and it’s still fun the way it is :smiley:

I just don’t understand how hard it would to get proper smooth automation recording done. I mean all the stuff is there, so why can’t it just record what we do with the knobs lol. Chase bliss does it with their pedals like blooper and mood and habit and what not so I know it’s doable!

Either way still fun!

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Smoothing all the plocked parameters require

  • some computation power
  • a clever UX to enable it

and of course that it is not too far on Elektron’s roadmap…



No clue tecnically, I assumed its either (step) plockable fun or for example nice motion sequence on korgs. I wrote it somewhere else my 20 y old er1 is smoother and more accurate for live automation, but no step plocks. Tanzbär can also do both, could be its a bit smoother and more accurate, but absolutely not sure with the few parameters, strange button combos and 16 steps…
But yes, would be nice if its possible to have the best of both worlds.

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It is actually more complicated that you are assuming. Every single parameter would need it’s own memory for those smooth pattern changes. Right now that is tied to the sequencer so every pattern can have max 64 positions in the “memory” when you want real time automation you start needing to sample those knob positions many times per second, rather than 64 times in a pattern. This starts eating up memory quite fast with so many parameters with high resolutions. Slide trigs get around this memory issue, but you still can’t record really fast knob movements.

Yes this would be great. I don’t think we need slide trigs which are a bit tedious to set up but just interpolation from one step to the next.

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I don’t think this is necessary. Just (linear) interpolation between the 64 steps would go a long way. Of course, this will take up some CPU, as @LyingDalai said.


What I just said…
But good someone sees it the same way.

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Elektrons are step sequencers. They only have the resolution you can see in the scale settings. “Continuous” controllers in DAWs and other linear sequencers are probably also “stepped” but they have a much, much finer resolution, and appear continuous.

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