LMN 3: An Open-Source DAW-in-a-Box


i’ll take two!

Figured it was only a matter of time before OP1 form factor is explored by the broader market. Looking forward to this

Indeed, this looks quite interesting.

BTW there was at least one other attempt at an open source OP-1 alternative, the “OTTO”, but it has apparently ceased development, “at least for the time being”, as of May of this year (source: their Discord). OTTO - open-source platform inspired by OP-1


And one more: https://youtu.be/yj9AeDa9qw8

Thanks, I don’t recall seeing that before. Also don’t seem to be any updates for a while; I wonder what its status is.

Unrelated— I have an issue with all these devices (and let’s throw in the Organelle as well)—I’d much prefer 25 keys to 24… not sure if this is only me though :crazy_face:

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With you on this. I find the not-quite-2-octave keyboards aggravates my OCD. BUT … I don’t think it would stop me going for one of these if the rest was right for me.

I think I’d marginally prefer the F-E version over the C-B version.

Very cool project, I’ll be interested to see how it develops.

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“The LMN-3 has great potential… the project is still in its pre-release stage, and it really shows… Dubbed the OP-1 killer by some… which it clearly isn’t, at least at the moment, but we’ll keep an eye on that in the future. It has the potential to become that”


interesting project… and because it was interesting, I decided to start gather all the parts and build it. Here a short video of the assembling process:

Would love to exchange experience with someone, who is interested or has built it already - alternative parts, roadblocks, etc.

Let me know.