Locked Root trig

Hello there,
I’m new to DN but had already a DT before, and one behavior is disturbing me.
When I place trigs on track, the trig note is automatically locked, and cannot be unlocked.
Meaning that if I change the root note for the whole track, none of the trigs are actually changing.

On DT in comparison, new added notes are not locked and just depend on the root note, so if I change it, it changes all the notes on the track.

Is it a normal behavior on DN? Is there a way to have it behave like DT?

I think this is normal for the Digitone…

The root note behaves like a default for adding new notes, but changing it after the fact doesn’t affect notes that have been added.

I wasn’t aware of the difference compared to DT, but this seems to make sense for a melody-focused instrument.


I was expecting that kind of answer, even though I much prefer DT’s way of behaving on that topic…
But to be fair, there is a lot of discrepancies between both devices in terms of UX / UI (that’s my daily job so it tilts me a bit :sweat_smile:)


Can’t disagree that this irks me at times too!
I understand and embrace it when inputting notes via the keyboard mode (forgetting the elektron terminology sorry) but when inputting steps…
This might represent a useful future setting that users can change to suit their preference.

The idea that the root note shown on the Trig page relates to the track is misguided, it only relates to the note destined to the next entered step - think of it only as a keyboard that you only ever see one note of - it’s not analogous to Osc pitch, it’s a midi domain entity

To make the behaviour where the Track will transpose, as though it was a bit like shifting an oscillator pitch is to use the Track transpose

When in Play Mode (not grid mode), press [Add Notes] this brings up a track level menu that has Transpose Track assigned to Knob H, Press [Yes] to confirm Transposition

This will do what you want

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Thanks for your answer!

Yes I got the Track transpose and add notes parts part also :wink:
I also played a bit with the direct track transpose function [T]+[UP/DOWN]

I was just surprised that the behavior was so different between the 2 digi boxes. On DT it’s also not really like transposing the track, as the locked trig would not change, it’s really just transposing the ones which are not locked, and that can be sometimes useful.

Anyway, there is quite a long list of same functionalities using different UI / UX, but hopefully some of these differences might be harmonized in the next updates.

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Should probably add it’s not ‘destructive’ like on the A4 afaict, but at least it’s there … easier than changing (re-locking) the Trig Root note for all trigs which would transpose the other chord notes on a step. So A4 does it best


Never had an A4. Does it really change the notes directly on the trig themselves when you transpose?

You get the same option to Transpose and also the option to ‘print’ the transpose permanently (obviously you can transpose back too) - which if possible on DN would zero the H knob discussed above

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Alright, it makes sense!
Good to know that I should apply at Elektron to work as a UX / Ui designer to correct all these different behaviors :grin:

Thanks for your explanations :wink:


I kinda think some of it is logical, especially between samplers/synths


say your track was simple, like 16 steps and you had two different chords on 1 and 9

it’s easy enough to hold both of those in Grid Edit mode and twist up/down the root note on the Trig Page - it will transpose all the notes relative to the increase you see (it will be the step 1 if you grab 1 and 9) - so whilst they have different root notes a twist of 3 up will apply to all notes - the trig on step 9 will have its different root note transposed by three - it won’t become the root note you see associated with step 1 - this is destructive, but if there are four pages it could get tedious, you can transpose as many notes on a page as you can hold down (not necessarily just by fingertips)

The UX issue I have is that if you select a step in grid edit mode and bring up the keys for that step, the only way to audition properly is to press Yes, but alas this kills the keyboard

This used to be the issue with sound locks entry until **Fn+**Yes was added (way back in A4 days), this kept the sound lock selection window ‘live’ until done - much better workflow - the same is needed for the DN for grid keys input whereby [add-note]+[Yes] - keeps the keyboard ‘live’ but prints the notes

I kinda think some of it is logical, especially between samplers/synths

I agree on certain points, less on others …

(not necessarily just by fingertips)

Ahah, yes! Use everything at your disposal :smiley:

The UX issue I have is that if you select a step in grid edit mode and bring up the keys for that step, the only way to audition properly is to press Yes, but alas this kills the keyboard

That’s indeed part of the things I find weird …

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same same … but it is how it is

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I meant an implement beyond the self
e.g. an End on Volca will press all 16 steps - not as convenient as a piece of timber

I’m not disagreeing about what’s right for the OP, but such a feature would be BAD in my workflow. I spend a lot of time entering chords into the DN. Adjustments to the ROOT value are, to me, a way to put me in the right octave before entering a chord.

That’s also a good point, then I guess, an option in the menu would be the best :smiley:

Just had to ask for the updates, and here it is :smiley: