Locking the AF2 to a scale

Setting the scale of a project in AF2.
I need to know if it’s possible to set the scale for a whole project?
I can see that you can do it in the track settings, although when I change those settings nothing seems to happen.
The scale change isn’t reflected on the AF2 keyboard for example

The KEY SCALE? As you pointed out, this is set per track, which means that the setting is stored per pattern. If you want the same scale on every pattern in a project, you would have to copy the pattern.


Not sure why you’d want to set the scale for a project :man_shrugging:t2:… but, regardless, I think you need to do it on a per track basis in each pattern.

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Thanks for the reply.
Should this scale be reflected on the keyboard?
It seems like it plays the C scale regardless of which key I have the track set to.
Obviously I’m a newbie, so apologies in advance I’m missing something ridiculously simple.

No. The KEY SCALE setting only applies to notes recorded into the sequencer, not notes you play on the AF’s mini keyboard.


I think you can transpose the keyboard up and down in semitones?

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If you turn on the arpeggiator the keyboard will play only the notes of the scale…
If the arpeggiator isn’t on it won’t snap the notes to scale


Greta tip!

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