Logic 10.2.1 stable with overbridge?


Is anyone using Logic 10.2.1 with Overbridge? I’m using Logic 10.1.1 at the moment & want to upgrade to the latest version, but don’t want to, if it’s gonna cause any problems for the project I’m working on.


Lucky guy if you have a Logic version that runs stable with Overbridge ^^

In Logic 10.2.1 you can run one plugin version … so A4 or AK or AR. But as soon as you add another machine it gets “noisey” … so to say … at least on my computer.

So yeah 1 machine at the time should work.

Thanks insect.

Overbridge isn’t perfect for me at the moment either. If I use the plugin, I can’t get sync tight enough. Pretty much unusable. For me the best way is to sync via midi and set up an aggregate device to stream the audio over USB into separate channels.

Do you have Ableton?

My workaround for the moment is:

  • record and arrange in Ableton
  • export audio per track
  • final arrangement + mix in logic

so you can still cut the audio recordings + arrange your tracks. to work with audio files only is also much less cpu heavy.

and yeah … fingers crossed for a final logic overbridge edition

Latest Overbridge finally working nicely for me in Logic 10.2.2

Running RYTM and A4 simultaneously.

I’m a very happy boy :slight_smile:

p.s. I had to uninstall then reinstall Overbridge 1.10 to get things working.

did you get multi outs running of the 2 machines thight in sync?
i only got the stereo master outs running

Yes, multiple streams.

Occasional glitches but good enough to write/record.

How are you guys getting the multi outs to work in logic? Someone posted a video for me but it didn’t seem to work in the way the video was shown.

I posted an “instruction” to setup logic x for overbridge in another logic x + overbridge thread. may it can help you:
