Looking for a good midi controller to control external gear including 2 digitones and a digitakt

I’d like to chime in on this and say I’m using a Novation Launchkey 61 MK3 (pretty inexpensive) with my Digitone and it is a beautiful experience. Mapping the keyboard’s sliders and buttons is a breeze and you really do want the extended range with an instrument such as the Digitone… These two together make so much happen!

How’s the keybed and responsiveness on the keyboard? I’m looking for a 61 key to play a digitone as well.

It’s a pretty nice feeling “synth action” keyboard that does track super well. There are a lot of options in the DN and this keyboard to adjust the velocity of your note, so you can indeed get pretty expressive with it. If you are at all familiar with the Bass Station II, they keys are just like that. I can say that keyboard opened a whole new world for me in terms of being able to access all of my synths without having to even stand up.

real quick what I mean by that is sending the midi out of the keyboard into the midi in of the DN, and putting a quadra-thru in the thru out of the DN, I can select which midi channel I want via the Launchkey and mix other hardware synths into channels 1-4 of the DN, so mixing my Mother 32 with a DN track to add some shiny harmonics on top of the phat moog, oooor mixing a nasty inharmonic DN bass track with my BS2 for the ultimate wub… Okay that was long winded but hopefully it reveals how dope this setup really is

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Sounds handy! I guess the only other keyboard I am considering is the nektar gxp61 because it has aftertouch. But realistically I won’t use aftertouch that much, although it is fun. It’s surprising how AT is still only reserved for the higher tier of controllers despite being such an old technology.

not a bad choice either! I really do wish I could dig into some AT too with this controller, but it’s whatever… I can get sort of similar effects with the velocity mod! Weird that my super dusty AFX Station has it (the AT on the BS2 can be kind of annoying) Anyways,

here’s what my setup looks like for reference in case you were wanting to have a similar vibe:

I got some stands for the DN and velcroed them to the top of the controller, eventually I’ll mount a 2x6 behind it for my modular skiff… everything you need in 1 stand yay!

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also if anyone’s also using a Launchkey with their DN and is wondering what I’ve mapped to the buttons and faders, I will gladly send you the Components files, and make a post later indicating what fader/button/pot controls what. I am super proud and happy with this setup and it kinda shits all over every other synth I’ve been using for the past 15 years or so lol