Looking for an alternative to OT

Yes … that’s what I meant.

There is a little trick, which we can use additionally. It’s hidden in the menu <CONTROL/AUDIO>. We can configer the CUE as “normal” or “studio”. This is, what the manual says at page 36 …

CUE CFG offers settings which can make the cue outputs function as an assignable pair of outputs. Two settings are available. Only one setting can be activated at a time. Read more about the cue outputs in section “MAIN AND CUE OUTPUTS ROUTING” on page 74.

  • NORMAL will make the cue outputs function normally, meaning a track will be routed to the cue outputs when [CUE] + [TRACK] is pressed.
  • STUDIO will disable the normal cue functionality. Audio tracks can now be routed to the cue outputs as if they were a standard pair of assignable outputs. Each audio track gets two independent LEV settings, one for the main outs and one for the cue outs. Adjust the LEV setting for the main outputs by turning the LEVEL knob. Adjust the LEV setting for the cue outputs by pressing [CUE] and turning the LEVEL knob. Muting a track while STUDIO mode is enabled will mute the sound from both the main and cue outputs.

Now using the stereo-field, we can have Main L or R and CUE L or R for each track as we want. You might even take advantage of a scene, which get’s you there for recording!

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