Looking for an older snapshot - feedback

Hi guys,

back in the days of the old elektron forum, I can’t even remember the name but it was quite similar to elektronauts, there was a guy that posted an amazing snapshot of a setup with a song made only playing with the feedbacks, I wanted to mess ia bit with it today and maybe even learn some things but it seems I’ve lost the .sys as I can’t find it in any of my hard drives

do you guys know what I’m saying? It would be so cool (and educational) if someone could share it again :smile:

I’d look for Max Marco videos on YouTube.

I remember an Octatrack video where he used the input signal and comb filter to create music – and he has loads of Machinedrum videos.

Maybe you’re lucky!

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hey, it was not a Max Marco one, I’m sure

it was from a user of the forum, damn It was amazing that patch, anyway thank you!

Hi do you remember the name? or any clue of the sysex or something it’s because I have a lot of this files on a MD Data Hard Disk maybe it’s there.

Damn I don’t remember it, it was a file with a song project and I guess just a kit made with RAM and ROM machines trigering the internal feedback from the record machines only, no samples and nothing else

Maybe if you don’t mind to share a screenshot of these files so I can see the names I could fresh my mind :slight_smile: if you don’t want to make it public send me a dm, I’ll share the correct one here if it’s there