Looking for hard tremolo

i’m sure this is easily done I just cannot seem to find the right LFO setting. looking for an LFO to chop the sound, like a killswitch… on/off on/off etc. Hard tremolo. Im pretty sure its a square wave but I must have some setting wrong, Velocity Depth or maybe I need negative values somewhere. Just can’t get it to cut the sound off completely, in between pulses. Any tips?

Depends on the relative settings of LFO Vol/Dist and the unmodulated vol/dist setting. So, LFO to Square wave, Dst: DIST, Dep: 54.0 combined with Vol/Dist set to 85 works fine. But raise vol/dist to say 121, and then the ‘off’ part of the cycle is not quite ‘off’ as you say.

Seems all you need to do is make sure LFO Dep is set high enough ? Or looking at it the other way, make sure Vol/Dist is not set too high.

Thanks i’m slowly grasping the relationships of depth & velocity in the LFO, this will help a lot.