Looking for Midi set up advice

Hi folks,

Looking for some advice regarding midi and wondering if a midi merger would solve my issues, I got thinking after a midi query on here yesterday. I have a digitone, micromonsta 2, typhon, uno synth, model samples, a keystep and mpc one with roland octacapture as my audio interface for my pc running ableton.

The keysteps midi out goes into a 1inx8out midi splitter, which then out to the synths ins so I can just choose a channel on keystep and that synth will play. The mpc is the master clock with ableton slaved to it usually, press play on mpc and ableton, digiton and model samples will play, great. Everything is plugged into a powered usb hub going into the mpc, mpc recognises everything except the typhon.

See before I got the keyboard it was a similar set up except I used the digi sequencer to sequence synths with the digi out going into the splitter then to synths.

Problem is now its a hassle having to rewire things to utilise digi sequencer, I could plug the keystep usb into the hub and have like a hybrid mix of my current and previous set up but I wouldnt be able to trigger ableton with the keystep which would be a pain jumping between things.

Im wondering would a midi merger solve my problems? Ideally id like to be able to trigger everything with the digi sequencer and keystep without having to change wires, to be able to easily send midi from ableton to my devices as well would be amazing. I’ve saw people mention blokas midi hub, but I don’t have a clue about such things tbh I’m just missing the digi sequencer but want to keep the functionality of the keystep, any advice or pointers would be greatly appreciated, sorry for the long post just as I said I’m not the most tehcnically minded person so need to spell it out, thanks.

I have a Kenton MIDI Merge and it works great. It takes up to four MIDI Din cables, and has two outs.

I have my Keystep going into my Digitakt, then both it’s MIDI Out and MIDI Thru going into the Merge, along with a cable from my interface.

You could do something similar with your DN, and the. Run the merge into your splitter.

If you already have the gear connected to USB hub then I recommend consider using AUM (iOS) and its built in MIDI „router” you can model any merge / thru / filtering scenario there

Thats great thanks guys been looking at physical midi mergers. I’ve got aum on ipad I never thought that could solve issues ill look into it thanks for the pointers

I would route keystep midi out to Digitone in.
Configure auto channel on Digitone. Configure Digitone midi tracks to the channels of your synths. Midi out of Digitone to splitter, splitter to all synths in and to mpc in. In mpc only set to receive clock. This way, Digitone sequencer is controlling all synths and control of a synth is selected by the track buttons on the Digitone. Mpc willl use its own sequencer locked to Digitone clock.

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Hi man,

Really sorry for delay I saw the reply in my emails then slipped my mind as been so busy with life etc. Your idea sounds great but what do you mean configure auto channel? See I got the blokas midihub and reassesing everything now, bought on a total whim and I havent got a clue but hoping for the way you said plus being able to send midi from ableton to my devices. Thanks for your input much appreciated and sorry for delay didn’t mean to be rude.

EDIT: I see it in ports and it was turned on