Looking for some good tutorials

The Machinedrum is a great machine. But so far, I haven’t been getting really amazing results out of it. I’m looking for some good tutorials to help me along the way. I don’t seem to be able to get good snares, claps and hihats out of this thing, but I certainly know it’s possible!

Any help fellow Elektronauts?

try the files section. several documents in there should give you a good start, including the md tips and wesen’s notes.

Definitely go through the tips docs, trying out each one on the list, then begin to apply them to your own productions. It’s taken me quite some time to get comfortable with the MD (and now the MM, which I’ve approached the same way) but the more you learn from others and experiment on your own, the better you’ll be at coaxing the sounds you want out of this little beast.

The tips and trick document is your best place to look. Besides that, it’s all about spending lots of time getting to know the vast possibilities of the MD.

One thing that is key to getting hard hitting sounds is layering two or three sounds, and then possibly routing all of those sounds into a THRU machine or something else to glue them all together and for a last bit of EQing. Start doing that, and you’ll find the window shattering sounds you are looking for!

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