Loop Back Audio?

So here’s a question that probably makes no sense to anyone except the lazy folks like myself who cherish desk space:

Is it possible to plug my headphones into the DN and get the compressed output of my NanoCompressor only by routing the audio out of the DN into the comrpessor and back into the DN? In other words, I want to hear ONLY the input on the DN, but the input is ALSO generated by the DN and I don’t want to hear that (i.e. I don’t want audio feedback loop!)

If the answer is ‘just get a mixer/dual 1/4 to stereo 1/4 ya doofus’ I’m fine with that, but I thought I’d ask. Nothing I’ve tried has worked. I just don’t want to dig into that ‘box of spaghetti’ we all have nor include a mixer in the scenario.

Yes, but mono only. Hard pan every track right, out right to comp, back to ext in with hard pan to left.

Damn, can’t handle mono…grrrr…