Loop not working

Loop’s not working here when sampling…anyone else??

Could you elaborate ?

Sorry. Enabled but not looping.

What are your AMP settings? What are your LEN settings?

It’s sample preview. It plays the full sample, just doesn’t loop it.

Pushing and continuously holding FUNC+YES doesn’t loop it while previewing? What happens? Does it fade out a a certain point? Does it end abruptly?

I wonder if the underlying AMP and LEN settings on the track you’re currently on are affecting the preview.

It just plays once in full.

Start a new project and report.
Report to Elektron support nonetheless.

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I’m wondering if enabling ‘LOOP’ is for applying crossfades or other processing when you save the sample and not for previewing purposes.

If this is the case, I believe it should loop during preview so you can hear what is happening.

Have you saved the sample with ‘LOOP’ enabled to test if it does, in fact, loop seamlessly?

I reviewed the new manual and don’t see mention of this setting in the ‘Sampling’ section.

@eangman can you clarify what the ‘LOOP’ setting does on the preview page when sampling? There doesn’t seem to be updated information regarding this in the new manual.

I’ve seen a few YouTube’s that demonstrate it works previewing samples when loop is enabled…the Ableton video with Enrique shows exactly that.

Could you link that one please?

Don’t know about Enrique’s but here is Dave Mech’s:

I’ve just tested it on my DT and it works.

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I watched this one yesterday and just skimmed it again now. It doesn’t cover sampling. I just gives an overview of the machines.

From what I understand to be your problem, you’ve sampled something into the DT, turned on ‘LOOP’, and while previewing the sample before saving it, it does not loop?

If this is the case, please let me know.

Otherwise, can you provide more insight as to where your preview isn’t looping? What machine are you using? Are you try to preview a sample from the +Drive before loading it?

Dave’s video shows this behavior as working so I’ll assume it is as I described above; when sampling into the DT, ‘LOOP’ is not working while previewing.

Again. I wonder if the underlying ‘AMP’ or ‘LEN’ settings are preventing the preview from looping?

Odd one as this video clearly shows the feature working.

Edit: Also, the manual definitely doesn’t cover this feature.

@eangman Section 14 on Sampling might need some updating to cover the new ‘LOOP’ feature. It doesn’t seem to be in the new updated manual.

But… I’ve just tried on my DT and it does work. I mean: I sampled a 2-bar loop, activated LOOP with the left arrow, pressed FUNC+YES and it was looping perfectly, regardless of the AMP and NOTE LENGTH settings in the active track.


Odd for sure. @Adam_Acid’s case is strange then.

As @LyingDalai suggested, try a new project to test on. I would also open a ticket with Elektron is the behavior is consistent even on a new project.

Manual still needs an update as the ‘LOOP’ feature isn’t mentioned there.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: The Elektron documentation thread

Whoops, I will fix this in the next version of the manual. Due next week. That one is my bad. Thanks a bunch for letting me know.