
Talking about family, I also enjoyed a simple free android midi looper app, simply called MIDI LOOPER, with an MPK Mini Play plugged in, without external power, just USB C adapter.

3 tracks with overdub. Better apps on iOS apparently.


pre-ordered an SP404 mk2 tonight, seeing this makes me wanna order an RC505 for the family now as well lol. Really cool to see you and others use loopers with the family, that’s really inspiring to me.


Yes, we also played with looper apps and koala but it doesn’t last long, he wants to play a game or watch a cartoon. When I take a real mic and the SP404, he has a lot more fun but unfortunately there is no looper.

Our boy sings, talks and makes noise effects all the time when he plays. Not getting a real -easy to operate- looper for us to play with would be an educational mistake from my part!

Patience is not their thing really, it comes with age? :nerd_face:


With RC505 you can also play/remix tracks, easy to prepare multitracks with a DAW and copy them to the RC. Instant fun.

I hope my son will be patient one day, probably when he is a grandfather…
He gets very nervous if frustrated, he can smash and break a buggy computer for instance…:grimacing:
Time will tell…


You seem quite impatient that your son becomes patient :wink:


Ah, these are game changer for me :

new Bounce In function for capturing multiple tracks into one. Half and double speed options are also on hand, and you can freely change the overall playback speed with or without pitch change. Additionally, it’s now possible to assign the Auto Rec function


RC 505 MKII Manual and parameter guide available here. Impressive possibilities, especially routing, midi control of drums, vocoder, SMF import for rhythm patterns, 16 drum kits (similar to RC10R), fx sequencers (1 per fx having SEQ option), undo at a marked level…

I’m sold, so is my MKI, sending it tomorow. :wink:


How did you find the MIDI slave sync of the 505 ?
I’m hoping the Mk2 will slave sync tightly to my OT

Not satisfying.
Timestretch on : little variations just with clock. I’d say usable. Receiving clock and notes or too much CCs : unusable.

Timestretch off : no variations, but some tracks stop playing. Unusable.

Now with MKII there are 2 speed mode : timestrech of pitch. I think I’d choose pitch so it may be more sensible to variations, more noticeable.

Timestretch off is better slaved imho, hoping they corrected the tracks stopping bug.

I’d want OT master too, but if it works better with OT slave I think I’ll make my mind…


I sold enough stuff to buy the MKII next week, so I’ll check that when I receive it…


Looking forward to the 505.2 - loopy hd looks interesting but have always hankered after the tactile all-in-one box approach of the 505.

The new 600 looks to have identical firmware + an extra track but prefer desktop plus foot switch (I think).

Have you ever tried software loopers? I’m currently testing the beta of Loopy Pro and it looks like it might be a great Octatrack partner.


I’m allergic to computers and I’ve no pleasure using tactile surfaces.
I have Loopy (non pro?), I don’t use it.

I’ll check RC 600 manual but RC 505 MKII has :
More buttons, (2 or more functions assignable to tracks and fx buttons, hence 20 assignable functions minimum (even more with long press or double clic), 4 assignable knobs, 4 banks of 4 input fx patches, 4 banks of 4 tracks fx patches, 16 assignable fonctions with swiches, buttons, midi…
Faders !


So what I always wonder and don’t understand with the RC-505:

When using it to loop running sequences from a synth for example. After you record a loop and it starts playing, how does it not double/phase with the still incoming synth?

For example the Bitbox automatically mutes the incoming audio when it launches the loop. That makes sense to me. But it seems to me the 505 works different, or not, with its five channels? Do you need a mixer with a crossfader? Or?

In general I never understand how you’d put this in a chain. I’ve tried multiple times to decipher the Blawan modular setup but I don’t understand how he does this.

Maybe somewhere here can finally put my mind to rest?

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That’s normal, with most of loopers you don’t have an option to cut incoming sound automatically. Usually you simply stop playing your instrument, or mute a sequence eventually by chaining an empty pattern for instance…

With OT you can also switch automatically from monitoring to recording by changing pattern.


That’s a massive plus for the Bit/BlackBox. Looping works like a breeze.

I also have the new MC-505 on my radar but if it does not mute incoming audio at the end of the recording, it’s definitely out.

Also it’s much bigger than the BlackBox.

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Interesting feature, not suited to every kind of audio source. A singer / guitarist would want to keep monitoring.

You can use RC 505 faders, increasing their level while muting sequences…

This one is older…:wink:

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Actually it lets you choose

Exactly, most loopers and looper tutorial videos really seem aimed at instruments that aren’t looping already by themselves:)

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How do you plan to use the incoming 505mk2 @sezare56 ? Do you plan to use it on instruments that you can simply stop playing (like a guitar or keyboard), or also on sequences from synths for example? Would you just put the 505 in the signal path of the synth, or would you use a send or something to the looper?