Can someone please explain to me how Loopop has achieved the slow attack at 1:40 in his video using the LFO:
My understanding is that he would be assigning a triangle waveform to the LFO, and in theory, assigning that to the sample volume - but you can’t assign the LFO to the sample volume.
How is this done? I’ve watched this section several times, and can’t work it out.
Huh? I’m on holiday and don’t have my M:S with me, but I’m sure every knob with a LED next to it can be assigned to LFO. Have you tried holding the LFO button and turning the volume/dist knob?
Usually on Elektrons all parameters that aren’t setup type parameters can be modulated/p-locked, so I just looked at the knobs and thought about which could be worth a try.
And yes, it would indeed be very odd if volume couldn’t be p-locked and assigned to the lfo.
Mul 1 is one shot trigger. Destination is volume/distortion and using a negative value gives a slow attack. The more negative the value, the longer the attack phase.
I did try the DIST earlier, but just assumed it was ONLY adjusting the distortion, not the volume. Either way, I couldn’t achieve the effect.
I’ll try your settings tonight and see how I go. Thank you.
(PS: there are a few little labelling inconsistencies with the MS that niggle: for example, in the LFO menu, the Cutoff (as the knob is labelled) is listed as FREQ. Of course, I know what they mean, but still, it should be consistent🤓. Same deal with the aforementioned volume modulation - it should be listed as VOL, not DIST)
Yeah I know what you mean. They’ve prob just chosen the descriptors that best fit. Once you get the hang of what’s what you should be okay. Let me know how you get on tho.
Regarding something you said earlier, the volume/distortion knob isn’t a separate volume and distortion… it just gets very gainy when you crank it, like running an amp into overdrive. It actually bothers me a bit, because you can’t have something loud and clean… it really changes the texture of the sound a lot. That said, it’s a pretty smooth distortion, and a good way to stuff in another feature without wasting another knob.
My understanding (from the manual, I think) is that the sample actually reaches full volume at a knob position of 64, i.e. its amplitude is scaled by 1.0x. Past that point, it scales by > 1.0x, and individual samples will (soft-)clip if they exceed 1.0.
If you want more loudness than that without distortion, that would be a job for a compressor … it’s still clipping, just in a much smoother way. You’d have to run the WAV through it before uploading.
Thx so much for this. Immensely helpful! Something else that can help affect it in a good way-- turn up the Volume/Dist in general (to something like 80-90) as the sound is a bit quiet. And then, play with the LFO speed. The higher number, the louder it is when it fades in… the lower the number, the quieter it is, but the SLOWER it fades… so it takes some tweaking. I found a good spot to be LFO Speed 8-20… gives a good balance of volume vs. slow fade-in rate.
I wish Elektron would just implement an Attack parameter, already. For the Cycles, too!!!
I was just about to ask the same thing. You can’t simply copy a sound from one track/pad to another? Otherwise I have to write down exactly how I tweaked that particular sample, with every single knob. Then load that sample to the Track I’d rather have it on… and then tweak the knobs to the written-down settings. Not ideal!
EDIT: yes it is possible… hold TRACK, hit copy… pick the track you want to paste the sound to, hold TRACK, hit paste. Done. Duhhh, should have known that.