Loopy Pro Has Been Released!

Nice intro.


Appears to be permanent though thereā€™s a yearly upgrade fee if you want to pay for new features after 1 year. You would keep your fully licensed version if you choose not to pay the renewal fee.

Thatā€™s how Iā€™ve understood the terms.



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Thatā€™s great to hear. MIDI looping AUv3s in this app would basically be my dream iPad music workflow.

just watched the intro. Not my music, but amazing performance. The APC looks like a great controller for loopy pro

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to very different propositions. Iā€™m not sure what the compromises are if they are features that were promised that have been underdelivered? BB has way overdelivered in my book.

ultimately the ipad camp and the dedicated hardware camp are two different markets. neither one is ā€˜rightā€™ or ā€˜betterā€™

I still way prefer dedicated hardware even if it does have a screen; it just feels like getting away from the 2d screens that pollute our daily lives. But will certainly give this loopy upgrade a shot. Looks impressive, but Iā€™ve had the OG loopy for years and have yet to gel with it, not that it isnā€™t great.

Buying controllers for iOS use is not like buying controllers for computer use. Its a much more complicated decision. You can generally figure controllers donā€™t work as expected unless the software explicitly states the controller is supported or your script them yourself. If you plug that APC into say AUM, it will work and is mappable, but nothing will light up and youā€™ll get jumping values when you turn encoders. Also bidirection MIDI (for controllers) is generally not a thing.


funny how the market for iOS midi audio stations seems to have disappeared.
Alesis had one a few years ago.
think there is still a good market for an easy insert muilti audio IO, USB host, DIN Midi, CV, knobs, pads n keys unit.

Might be huge though!

the dev of every app would still need to support it to some extent.

Anyone know how the pricing works? I didnā€™t pay attention to the pop up but I think I read that itā€™s $25 (or there abouts) for 12 months and then $16 per year after that? Does that mean it will stop working after 12 months or just that you wonā€™t be able to update after 12 months unless you pay for another year?

App is pretty good though, pricing aside.

The app wont stop working, you just wont get new features if they are added after 12 months unless you do the upgrade price.

Itā€™s actually the best of both worlds - itā€™s a one-time purchase that gets you all new features for one year. After that, you keep all those features, and if you want to keep getting new features, you renew for another year.

Honestly, huge credit to Tasty Pixel for going this route. The software world would be a better place if every subscription model worked like this.


I agree. Devs need to be compensated better for quality iOS apps. 2.99 for unlimited support forever isnā€™t really a great business model and is unsustainable as a source of income.


I feel like this app will be better on a Mac laptop if you want to use a controller, which they apparently are making a version for. It already runs the iPad app version.

you mean ableton :stuck_out_tongue:

i use controllers on my iOS devices. i also havent used a desktop DAW in years (other than for mixdown which someone else does). i just script the controllers i need as needed and its a non issue.

edit: i still have to be picky about controllers as some offer far more ā€œscriptabilityā€ than others

That too, but this seems to keep things simpleā€¦lol. I like simple.

Jonatan is also putting out his feelers to see how a mac version of AUM would go over.

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FFS why am I looking at the APCii on Reverb because of this,ā€¦ I do not like controllers ā€¦ :man_facepalming:


I donā€™t think itā€™d necessary either