Lost kits?

Hi there,

I’ve got the MD since a few months, i’m able to get the sounds that i want pretty quickly and i understand the basics.

This morning i tried to put some samples packs from the Elektron website via the TM-1. So i followed the Pdf created a new snapshot… blabla… but after i’ve done this stuff i lost all my patterns and all my Kits that i had since then.
I just discovered about “Snapshots” i tried to open all of them impossible to put my hand on my kits and patterns that i saved before…

How does the snapshots works? did i lose my kits and patterns because i didn’t save the snapshots before?

Also because i was a bit panicking i erased a 909 SMPLBANKS can i get it back?

Have you got a good topic or website where they are explaining about Snapshots and SMPLBANKS?


A snapshot is a backup of the entire internal memory of the MD.
When you loaded in the Elektron packs, then you probably overwrote your personalized patterns and kits. If you didn’t backup your kits and patterns from the internal memory to a snapshot before you overwrote them, then you have lost them.
It’s very worthwhile reading about the +Drive (page 3 of the MD manual) and the FILE menu (page 63 of the manual).

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iv been caught with that. some rules…

when you start a fresh project open a new snapshot (empty one)

select the same sample bank - the same number in the list as the snapshot you are using (this makes things a lot less complicated especially if you start changing the samples in a bank, imagine the results if you used the same sample bank for different snapshots and then proceeded to swap samples !)

remember to save the kits you create (you probably got caught out because you were using 1 kit throughout yeah?)

save the snapshot before opening another…

enjoy the fruits of your labour…