Lowest notes map to tracks with which external keyboards?

According to loopop, the “lowest notes” on an external midi keyboard will trigger tracks 1-6.

I’m trying to make this work with my keyboard without success, which I guess is to do with how low the keyboard can be transposed.

So naturally I looked in the manual to find out how this works (which channel, which notes) but I’m not seeing any reference to this. Is this something that was lost in a firmware update, or is it just an un-documented feature ?

Link to the loopop video (should be at the right timestamp)

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Ahh … many thanks, I somehow missed that.

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Unfortunately, still can’t get this working with my keyboard - seems the Qunexus won’t map the keyboard to notes that low (at least, not while maintaining velocity sensitivity)

Can anyone who uses this facility tell me which keyboards they’re using ? Other than the Keystep, which I can see works from the loopop video.

EDIT: I’d be particularly interested to hear if this works with a Novation launchkey mini (mk3) as I’m considering getting one of those.

Does this behavior change if you have “Fixed Velocity” switched off in the pad menu? [Function + Back]

Exactly. The lowest note you can send by default is note number 24. You can’t transpose it down to the lowest 2 octaves. It’s documented in the manual, btw.

This seems really a quite strange and unnecessary design decision. I know also many audio applications which maps special functionalities to the lowest notes.

No, It’s down to what the Qunexus sends. I can get the right midi notes (0-5) only by going to what is called the “controller layer” in Qunexus … and the controller layer only sends fixed velocities. I’ve now seen it in a midi app, just to confirm, note on has velocity 127, and note off has 0.

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Thanks, yeah, I worked it out via the app and manual. I think you can go another 11 lower with transpose, but it still doesn’t solve the problem.