LXR02 outputs help

I got an Erica LXR02 and am trying to use a mixer to utilize all the outputs along with my digitakt. I have successfully routed the kick out of the L1 out and the snare out of the R1 out and then wanted everything else to go through the Stereo 2 output but am not able to get anything out of that one. I am pretty new to all of this and am not sure where to begin in fixing this. I have already checked the cables and they are good. There is no signal getting to the mixer at all out of the Stereo 2 out. I went to the main mixer page and cycled through all of those options with no luck. It is as if the Stereo 2 out is not putting out any sound at all. Thank you

Have you assigned any of the sounds to use those outputs?

Yes that is why I am not understanding what the problem is. Everything other than the kick and snare is assigned to St2 and nothing is coming out of St2.