LYRA-8 Organismic Synth (for soundscapes, FXs, pads, complex textures)

Of all the synths I’ve tried, the Lyra8 seems like the worst candidate for a VST, hah! I am intrigued though, is it available for iPad? I could see it working pretty well on a touch screen.

And regarding CV in, I’m trying to figure out whether shelling out 400-500 euros for the Ornament is worth it or not. I’m still not entirely certain how it actually differs from gear that I already own, like the A4.

Haha, it was actually there all along, not far up in this thread at post 542…! Chatted with @brucegill about the CV setup a little then too :joy:

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I believe ornament applies current / sequencing to the Lyra pads themselves, so the sequencer takes over from your fingers (edit: I’m referring to using it with the attachment for Lyra. I think the sequencer part itself gives you a whole ton of crazy possibilities a bit more like the Pulsar interface?). That allows you to play Lyra fully normally, but using the sequencer if you want it to run to clock or something. Whereas the Lyra’ CV input is much more limited and is more of a modulation source really.

Hmm, that does sound interesting. I’m really tempted to buy it to have the full package so to speak, like back when you had all those expansion cards for synths and samplers.

As for tuning, remembered this (slightly slow-paced) video. Tuning the Lyra to a scale and keeping it that way is missing a lot of the point of the instrument, IMHO. But it can definitely be used that way as well.

I think one of the selling points of the Ornament was that they rejected conventional ideas like sequencers having clocks :open_mouth:

If I remember rightly, wasn’t Linear Straight all about the CV when Vlad did that knob twiddlers hangout episode. Like, even Vlad was a bit dismissive of the CV, but the guy was so enthusiastic. I think it’s one of them things that either works for you or it doesn’t, like an added bonus.

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Yeah, it’s not a main feature, a bonus is probably a good way of thinking about it. As I said above, Lyra CV is more a modulation source than a sequencing vibe.

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Quite possibly, sounds about right! :joy: I need to look into it more!

Yeah, I agree. It’s not just about the sound with that thing but what I use it for (samples) the VST has delivered relatively well. I think one could map it to a midi controller also, which would make the interaction with the VST at least a tad less clumsy.

You could built a midicontroller that has touch sensitive metal pads…

Yes, would totally make sense. :grinning:

Mononoke might check some boxes if you‘re looking for something like the Lyra on iOS.

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I’m really not, but thanks for the rec! I’ll maybe check that out come summer when at my cabin with none of my usual toys to play with, hah.

Fair enough. Not a comment on your music at all, but for me it doesnt sound like Lyra anymore.

Totally depends on what you want from your Lyra though right? If you want to be ‘in tune’ then yeah, maybe CV is a good way to go.

CV actually isn’t a good way to go if you want ‘in tune’, it’s trickier to tune with CV! Also, if you think this track is in tune… it really isn’t, it’s pretty wonky.

Why do you think it doesn’t sound like a Lyra here - because of the tuning?

A combination of there being melody, with recognisable intervals, the singularly of the voices, and the stability of the notes. It sounds more generic analogue synth, than Vlad’s ‘organismic’ if you get what I mean?

Not a value judgement at all. Just my observation/interpretation.

No offence taken, I was just interested!

I actually think we’re hearing very different things in it though, which is interesting in itself. For example, I don’t think the notes sound stable… I’d point to the lower notes which move in and out with noise and sliding pitch, or the tune which has all manner of imperfections and artifacts, tuning movement and warbles. I can’t think of a generic analog synth that would sound like that.

Well, I liked that. I lack the work ethic that you had to go through 40 min. of work to get this happening with a Lyra - honestly I would have just used a more conventional synth as it’s much less trouble. Speaking as a Lyra-8 owner myself of course.

OTOH i do respect the effort and spirit of “can I do this?” that went into your video.

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Haha, my old MS20 has one VCO that sounds like that. Its just all over the place, clearly needs some repair work. But I like it like that. Slightly annoying and amusing at the same time.