LYRA-8 Organismic Synth (for soundscapes, FXs, pads, complex textures)

Yes, just the Lyra through Polara reverb (halo setting).

As far as I remember I wasn’t using the hold setting this time round, trying to get a feel for the sensors.

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oops. Should’ve looked at the post closer. Thought that was for me.

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Yours is nice too! You’re right there in the key of Lyra. :slightly_smiling_face:

The Lyra is your master…or mistress :slight_smile:

Lovely first outing, like you were putting on a glove and flexing your fingers.

I’m impressed you kept it under 3 minutes.

I’ve found I enjoy playing the Lyra to a beat or loop of something, as it’s a bit too easy to get lost with it. That way I have a framework on which to work in, and can dial back more easily if I go too far.


I assume this is where something like the DFAM comes nicely into the dance,
or a Plumbutter or something similarly idiosyncratic.

I’ve yet to try it with my more traditional sequence based boxes.
I suppose going through the Lyra fx could take things in a suitably wayward direction.

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Yeah, I’ve had some really satisfying jams with a DFAM and Dark Energy pulsating in the backround. Especially when you patch the DFAM to take the tempo from the sequencer pitch or velocity, leading to some very wonky and fucked up rhythms.


So I couldn’t stay away from Lyra very long even though I’m supposed to be getting other stuff done today. I don’t know what I did but, all the sudden it sounded like the soundtrack to Joker so I just built off of that motif. I promise this is the last one for today. Again, this is just Lyra.


Someday I will borrow one of these, fire it up, put on Tarkovsky’s “Stalker” with subtitles on and audio off, and just sit there.


I was trying to figure out what movie or show to do this with tonight. Obviously Joker would work but, I might try your suggestion. I think this thing is amazing and unlike my other equipment, it’s pretty kid-proof. My 8 year old can break anything and he couldn’t confuse Lyra. He’s not allowed to even look at my OP-1 anymore.


I might let my 2 year old have a twiddle with Lyra, he’d love it!
Though I’m still convinced it was him who made one of my OP-1 black keys stop working with his hammer fingers.

Speaking of Lyra and OP-1.

Lyra gets modulated by the Cow effect (then into some reverb)


Your stuff sounds great. I really need to work on my Soundcloud and Bandcamp. I have zero followers on band camp because I just haven’t put enough time into it.

Both of yours look great. About to go get some of your music from Bandcamp.

Sweet! I appreciate the appreciation.

My soundcloud just underwent a major overhaul actually.
It was previously a bit of a museum of pieces I thought represented something.
Now I’m just feeding it with improvisations and experiments.

I like Bandcamp cause it encourages me to try and throw together coherent collections of stuff…“almost” albums :slight_smile:
I’ve got to admit, that comes slowly these days though.
Par for the course, or something.

Edit: I just checked how many followers I have on Bandcamp, something I never really thought about outside of the “kerchings” that appear when someone buys something (thank you!). I counted 9, two of which look like well groomed models from Los Angeles…ho ho ho.


Okay. Wow. Got to play with the new Lyra tonight. First thought unbox: wow this is 2x the size I imagined.

I had so much fun tonight. First two hours was by itself. Then an hour mixing in and playing with the blue sky.

I don’t know how much “music” I’ll make with this but the hours of meditative audio play will be large. Only regret was not getting it sooner.


I agree, it’s definitely effective for meditation. As far as using what comes out of it, I’m thinking interludes between songs, instant feedback machine in long jams in a rock/jam band context, and making some more experimental music when I get bored with rock and roll. Every time I look at my Lyra, it calls to me. It is larger than I thought too. Every time I use it I tell myself “this is a serious instrument.” Glad you got one. Enjoy!


I let my kids have a play with Lyra last night.

Apart from my son getting a bit handy with the switches (trying to flick them sideways), it was a sight to behold, watching them figure it out.

At one point, my daughter had all of this japanese experimental music type death noise going on, but she was just super focused on the dials and switches, like the calm at the eye of the storm (at least that was my grown up projection anyway).


There’s some Lyra in this – managed to setup a portable rig with it, which is fun! The Lyra is just doing a lush, sustained chord and some bass notes, but it sounds lovely.

Or if you wanna check out the instagram version, the description has details on how to win a bunch of the stuff that makes this setup possible


ether interacting with lyra? that’s some meta stuff right there.

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Haha, I know right?! I like that you can kinda use it to hear a dirty noisy version of the two Lyra notes you hold it near to aswell

I’m sitting there enjoying this sweet, mellow organ sound and Lyra turns into a helicopter and then a train.