LYRA-8 Organismic Synth (for soundscapes, FXs, pads, complex textures)

So this is the guy who was due on after me, but as he was setting up next to me during my set I suggested he join in if he wanted to and I’d play out my last few minutes as a little improv noise jam.

For context, I’d already been hitting the empty room pretty hard with some fairly unpleasant bass frequencies for about 10 minutes before the start of the video. I’m bass, he’s everything else.

He’s recorded it from the back of the stage with a phone, so approach sound quality with this in mind. Gives a bit of a flavour of what we were up to.

My favourite bit is my guy at the end cutting things short early because time was running out.

Just to be clear, I was Oliver Reed level pissed.


This is awesome that theres a venue putting this kind of thing on.

Reminds me of old Negative Kite 7inch stuff.

Id go to that. If not for the sounds, but also the Oliver Reed act.


These open mic nights are great.

On Tuesday we had synth pop, industrial, techno, grime, singer/songwriters, soul music, Drum&Bass, noise, drone, you name it really. And everyone is loving it, even the really shit stuff, cos everyone’s just having a laugh and we’re all in the same boat.

It helps my cause that the Nik on the sound desk is pretty into what I’m trying to do and gives me a fair bit of help with EQ and limiting.


I was curious how the Lyra would sound in a live scenario. Turns out it sounds like a Lyra. Hell yeah.

Awesome stuff dude. Like @Microtribe said, I wanna find a venue / open mic like this.

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I played an outdoor night time set with Lyra and OT, it can make the ground rumble. And you cant quite tell where its coming from.

Thats power.


It’s fairly amazing what you can capture with a phone these days. I used to record my band practices that went nowhere with my iPhone and a little Blue Mic that plugged into it. Overall, yeah, it doesn’t ever do it justice but it’s pretty impressive what they can pick up. So easy too…
Looks like proper fun. I’d like to find some sort of open mic along those lines here in Peetown.

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I just got one of these Lyra-8’S and im curious about something…
My LFO is ALWAYS making noise…like with all the hold knobs turned hard left, and the FREQ A and FREQ B knobs turned hard left.
I can still hear it…modulating nothing.
EDIT: Ahh… i had some of the Delay mod knobs turned a bit. once they were turned hard left the phantom LFO sound went away.

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Flick it to the middle position on the switch, that should turn it off.

Unless you’ve got one of the Lyras that doesn’t have a 3 way switch, then you can’t.

Also, make sure it’s not modulating the delay, I always forget about that, but ultimately, you will pretty much always hear the LFO clicking away in the background if you listen hard enough. The key is to drown it out with horrible noise.


Im well underway…to possibly a divorce if this continues


Good riddance I say…

You’ve got a Lyra now, you don’t need a wife.


I got it yesterday and quickly bivouacked to my music room , bong in hand and through the weed and the drones gave myself quite the headache. Back fresh in the morning with coffee and thought id send it through the PA speakers i use as monitors everynow and then.
Shook the fucking house.
this thing is pretty cool.

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I am glad I read the latest part of this thread. I’ve been using my recently purchased Lyra 8 as a couch jam box with headphones that I use to say goodbye to the pressures of my day job. I have not yet connected to anything else in my studio. Time to give it a try and crank things up (when my lady friend is at work–she bought it for me for Christmas and she hates it).


THings took a definite turn for me when i ran it into DN, for a touch of reverb, then into OT for the filter and more reverb. The distortion on the unit itself is pretty good, id say, but the difference in flavor from the distortion on the OTs filter is pronounced.
I may be putting the cart before the horse, but im going to drag out the SH01-A and mess with sending CV into the back of the Lyra.

I wanted it for meditation/droning, which is great. I also like the way you play it, alot. Very important to me. I might end up running it through a strymon Blue Sky and various algorithms on an Eventide H9 pedal I have in my signal flow, then maybe record samples on the OT and chop it up.


This belongs in this thread as well


Is that you?


Made this on Lyra 8 through Microcosm, and some additional effects with SoundToys EffecktsRack, and added some voice samples.

It was a while back, but I wasn’t satisfied with the voice samples so didn’t share it here. Today I got the voice samples closer to where I want them, so here it is.


A terrifying vastness, up close and impersonal…
I surrender!


Lovely, isn’t it.