M AUDIO > Digitone > AUM (ipad) button CC data lost

Hi all, needing some help here…

My setup…
M-AUDIO (midi out) to Digitone (midi in)
Digitone (usb) to iPad (usb)

The keyboard works fine, but I’m trying to use the programmable buttons under the faders on the M AUDIO to control the transport in AUM. But they do nothing.

However, when I connect the M AUDIO directly into the iPad via USB (bypassing the digitone), several M AUDIO inputs appear in the AUM list, allowing me to use the buttons on the M AUDIO.

I’ve gone through all the midi settings in digitone, but I can’t seem to allow the buttons data to be sent to the iPad. Can anyone help with this? Am I missing a midi setting somewhere on the digitone? Will it only push keyboard data to usb?


I heard from someone on the audiobus forum that I may need a hub for this to manage the full midi streams. But I wanted to check with this forum that I’m not missing anything on the Digitone.

It’s a bit confusing because it doesn’t mention anywhere that only notes go through from midi-in to usb. I have just assumed it can push everything.

Which m-audio?
Which iPad?

Sorry I’m being frustratingly vague…

M AUDIO code 61
iPad Air 2

I’m just out at the moment - let me know if you need more info