M:C Ableton Does not loop tightly when recorded

iam new to the forum and i want to ask this question.
Correct me if this has already been covered somwhere.
I have the model cycles hooked up via USB and i want to record the individual channels into ableton. Iam recording one by one, no problem so far.
but when i record there is a small gap at the start of the ableton clip, resulting in a not prefect loop.
this can be fixed by mooving the loop around, but its very fiddly, and it can kill the groove of a pattern if you get it wrong.
My question is now:
Is there a way to prevent this?
Is this a latency related problem and how can i fix it?

I would love to have the audio triggered & recorded on the first beat of the bar in the audio clip.

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Set the model:cycles to master clock and record into the timeline, not the clip view, then drag it/ copy/paste into clip view. Try that way.

So you’ll press record in Ableton, then play on the cycles will start the recording.

Could you elaborate on how to do that?
if i press record in ableton, it automatically starts the cycles

thanks for your reply!
i think this is going in the right direction, but iam not there yet.
I got live synced to the MC by ticking the sync input box, clock setting to external in global transport is ticked too. The channel is armed and i can hear the audio coming from the MC, but it does not record. And in Live the transport does not start, the play button remains unlit…
Sorry for noobing around like this, there must be an easy solution i guess
Thanks for all the help folks!

Do you have midi out from the Cycles switched to USB, and sync out checked?

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Ive been away with work, and had time just today to check it!
and it worked, midi out sync was off on the MC.
Thanks alot, now it works :blush:


hello again
i have a week off and have finally time to dig back into this.
And its still not working properly.
i can record the single channels by muting all the other ones on the MC
I use the method described above, recording into arrangement view
but theres unbareable midi jitter
bpms float for more then 1 all the time
i cant get my grooves recorded tight like this, it sounds shit, because something is always out of sync with the other elements
if needed i can upload the ableton project so you can hear what i mean.

Can someone who has positive experiences with recording the single channels into ableton, explain his workflow in all details?

I believe there must be a way to do this, would be really sad if it was not possible.

I tried to use the Cycles as a MIDI master too, but that didn’t work. I just switched Cycles to receive midi sync from Ableton instead, and switched “Midi Sync: In” ON from the Settings menu of the Cycles. Now everything is perfectly aligned.


Hey man. Not sure if this helps to your specific problem but i can tell you my method. When i record i pan everything to the right and the track that i’m tracking a pan hard left. So when i listen to it i’m actually listening to everything on the cycles so it syncs up. Once it’s tracked in Ableton i do have to line it up which can be a pain but i track every track as one, um, track (that’s a lot of tracks) so once it’s synced up at the beginning it’s synced up throughout the entire song. Hope this helps. I’ve definitely tried it both ways where Ableton is sending the click or the click is coming from the cycles and there is still lag from hearing the recording. My suggestion would be to maybe mute the monitor that you are recording on Ableton and just listen to everything through the Cycles. Hope this helps.

is there a reliable way to deal with this m:c/ableton sync issue? i dusted off the cycles last night for a quick jamuary jam, plugged it into my mac via usb, and recorded 8 bar clips in arrangement view of kick, snare, and hats. there was a lag of some amount (not sure how much) so they didn’t sync up. i tried adding some delay to midi settings in live (no change). transport sync is on, as i wanted the cycles to play when hitting record in live. tried a bunch of stuff, but nothing seemed to get the pattern synced tightly. i basically just wanted to record the audio of each track, so i’ll probably just plug it into my audio interface later to try again. is the issue mainly when using usb for both midi and audio? i feel like my dreams were shattered.