M:C > Ableton Live bounce down over USB audio issue

This is a bit confusing (for me at least) so bear with me. Hopefully you get what I’m trying to explain:

I’m having trouble hearing the separate audio for each track of my Elektron Model:Cycles in my DAW (Ableton Live 10). I want to send MIDI data to each channel of the M:C via LIVE (no problem here, working properly) and then also have the audio from the M:C routed back through LIVE so that I can freeze/bounce down individual tracks.

I have the M:C connected directly over USB and I’m using 6 LIVE external instruments (on separate tracks in LIVE) to select the device and midi channel for each of the M:Cs 6 channels. I’ve also selected that my DAW audio input is the M:C and that the ‘audio from’ on each external instrument is the model:cycles so that I can hear what my midi notes are triggering through my core audio. There was a slight latency but I’ve corrected that.

The problem is that when I solo or mute each of tracks I still hear all 6 M:C channels playing. Essentially each external instrument is playing all 6 midi channels and when all are on together it’s just the full output layered 6 times.

Now, when I set up the very first external instrument however and set it to channel 1, it was receiving audio only from channel 1 of the M:C as it should do and was working fine. As I added successive external Instruments I end up with each track in Live essentially playing all 6 M:C tracks. So I can’t solo or mute individual tracks.

Any idea what this could be? It works if I output audio directly from the M:C (midi still coming from LIVE) - ie I can mute and solo tracks (via LIVE), so is the problem something to do with the audio coming into LIVE over USB? Is it a limitation of the sound card capabilities of the M:C? Or am I doing something stupid?

Thanks in advance.

The Model-series only sends the master out via USB. No individual audio channels, afaik.

For that you have to upgrade to a DT and then you’ll be able to (using Overbridge)

If you want to multitrack with a Samples or Cycles, you’ll have to record the tracks one by one.


Ah. That makes perfect sense. Thanks. I thought it might have been something like that. Do you know if this is a hardware thing or a software thing? In other words would it be something that might change in future firmware editions or is it a physical limitation of the device?

Haven’t got a clue actually. Probably @Ess knows.

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The processor simply can’t handle outputting more than a stereo stream. we’ve made some experiments but even with a lot of optimization it does not work well.


Yes but when muting 5 tracks on 6, shouldn’t we have only the non muted track sent on usb audio output ?

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Yeah that’d be a nice feature.

I thought that was probably the case. No worries. I’ll just record track by track. At least it’s only 6 tracks.

Not when externally sequenced. Mutes only mute the MC sequences, incoming midi always takes priority, but track levels could be used instead


It makes sense. Does it works ? Not already tried because actually I am using a config where USB is only midi, due to incompatibility with IConnectivity midi routers when using Audio+Midi. But I could have to make a direct DAW record using USB ?

Out of subject : do you know why when Midi Sync is set to Midi Clock In on and Out off, I have nothing on normal output ?

I’ve used volume as a work around. Haven’t tried automating yet though. Assume that would work?

Back again. How in the world do I automate data into Ableton Live? I had stupidly thought that if i arm automation in LIVE and hit record that tweaking some nobs on the M:C. Would record the automation data. Nope. Any ideas?

Anyone know why recording automation into ableton might not be working?