M:C Garageband

Hi guys,

Got a mc like 2 weeks ago and love it but, i’m trying to usb interface with the mc and my mac in garage band and I get everything ins and outs cool. But when i hit record in garageband the volume is like maxxed out for that instrument and then its like the gain out of the mc if cranked too high? like my waveforms are stretched out of the field like theyre feedbacking. Pulling the volume of the track in gb doesnt affect the waveform either while recording. My usb gain + is at 0 on the mc. Ive tried all configs with AUT and OFF in audio settings, I have it in USB mode. Any ideas? Should the levels for individual tracks in the MC not be on the high side (like some tracks are at like a 9/10 and others at like 7/10 level)?

If you are lowering the track levels in GB, then hit record, they go back up to unity while you record.

It didn’t used to do that. My guess is that was changed so that you don’t inadvertently record stuff too loud, or level up the gear for low faders in DAW.

I dot use GB, but it’s like a lite version of Logic…so I’m just assuming it behaves the same way.

Just leave yer levels in GB at 0 and adjust your levels in yer gear. After you’re done recording your tracks, then you go back and start raising and lowers track levels.

Shot in the dark. But I hope that helps.

Thanks I tried that. Still no effect to the waveform being blown out. Im running just through the usb without an interface, so not really a chance for me to change the main lvls on the gear (unless i’m missing where the main volume for recording out is, changing headphone volume has no effect). Am I completely missing where the main volume out of usb is? I wish the USB Gain had a negative value.
Also like do I just leave all the individual tracks on the MC low, like half? Like what individual track lvls do you guys use coming out of the MC?

Welcome @Modelcyclektor

You’re monitoring your M:C thru Garageband? With the M:C as the soundcard?
If so, be sure that the M:C’s internal audio (‘INT OUT’) is set to ‘AUT’, or ‘Off’. That way you don’t get feedback or doubled sound. Page 45 in the manual. 12.4.2.

I usually set the track volume to 50-70% for each track. (Upper-left knob). It can get loud. Then adjust to taste using the ‘VOLUME + DIST’ knob.


Cool thanks dude, Ill give that a try later tonight. Yeah I’m using the MC as a usb soundcard and I have the INT OUT set to AUT and have switched between OFF. They dont specify where a good place to leave all the track volumes so I had turned up all the tracks to 80% and even higher. Fingers crossed this was the issue.

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I had the same issue recording over USB to my iPhone. The first time I did it everything was fine and the levels were nice and clear, but the second time and afterwards everything was blasting!

For now I’ve gone back to using an interface in between like I usually do. I’ll try some stuff when I get home today and I hope we can find a solution.

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Damn yeah I just kinda fucked up and dropped all my track lvls to half on the mc and then saved all that down to all the patterns. Sounds a little muddy now which is messed up. The bass doesn’t seem as full.

I feel what your saying about it working once and then the next time super jacked levels. I think it did that to me my first time trying it as an interface and then since then its been blown out waveforms. Maybe a full computer restart.

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I’m on an iPhone so I’m not positive all this will be exactly the way you should do it too, but I found a solution that works for me. Hopefully some things will apply since you are using Apple stuff.

I plugged in all the USB connections (iPhone USB camera adapter, MC USB cable to the adapter, lightning cable for power into the adapter), headphones into the MC’s jack, then powered up the MC.
On an iPhone you can swipe up and view audio devices the same way you can see Bluetooth connections, and here I saw that the MC was connected.
I went to the camera app first and recorded a quick loop for simplicity’s sake and on playback it sounded great!
Next I opened up iRig Recorder as that’s the main way I record video and audio together and this time it was garbage. :pensive:
I turned off monitoring and it was better ish but still pretty distorted in the bad way.
Lastly I tried GarageBand and I had the same issue with monitoring. Once I switched monitoring off the recording sounded fine.
So maybe it’s an issue with using the headphones to monitor plus the audio routing back through the Cycles since it works like an interface/sound card?

In the end it seems that if I want to record over USB on an iPhone then Garageband and the camera app are about my best options. I wasn’t yet able to test if the recording was stereo or summed into mono from the camera app or not. In GarageBand you can select inputs or do stereo.

As I mentioned before, using an interface has been my usual means, but there’s great appeal in using a few less cables and doing it over USB (c’mon battery handle :star_struck:).
I want to get more in depth but I’m trying to get my little ones to bed! I hope my trials have helped in some way. Let me know what you discover and if I can clarify anything.

Crap. I forgot to check the INT OUT/AUTO thing that @1ticio wrote about.

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Ok. I don’t know now.
I tried again tonight to record over USB but it was still blasting on GarageBand, iRig Recorder and the camera app.
This time I tried all internal audio settings and each with monitoring off and on.
Still got my interface and that sounds great at least. :man_shrugging:

I haven’t experienced the blasting audio in Garageband on the iPad.
Here are my settings.


:sunny: Don’t forget to disable software monitoring after recording the M:C’s audio onto a track.

:sunny: And if you’re experiencing occasional audio dropouts when using the Model:Cycles/Samples as an audio interface on the iPad, filtering out the receiving of Notes + CCs in the Model’s MIDI setup page seems to help. And on the iPad, disable Auto-Lock in Settings>Display & Brightness.


You’re awesome for this!

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Hope it’s cool I bump this for a kind of related question, hate to start a brand new thread.

Is anyone noticing latency when recording into GB using the USB connection from Cycles to audio track? When it’s playing, it sounds ok… but I noticed when I recorded my tracks from the Cycles and then started slotting in some AUv3s, the timing is just off… it actually sounds like it starts playing the pattern on the Cycles before it starts recording (so maybe that’s not really Cycles latency… it’s like… reverse… latency lol…)

Just to compare, I fired up same exact in Cubasis 3 and that seems much tighter. Am I just crazy? Or has anyone else noticed this?