M:C obsolete now there's ST?

What a weird speculation.

Ranked 5 on the drummachines segment on Thomann FYI, despite Syntakt being #1.

And as @djst mentioned it, you seem to overlook the GAS effect. Once you’re hooked to this sequencer, you’ll most likely want to try the bigger machines…

This analysis of yours does not convince me.


That’s me!

My first Elektron was the Model: Samples. I now own a Digitakt and a Digitone. Had it not been for the Model: Samples I would never have even considered the Digitakt. I would now describe my commitment to it as bordering on religious.

I can’t afford a Syntakt yet, but I have vowed that one will be mine.


…i’m not sayin’ that it was no success…i’m just sayin’ that this great little machine was too expensive too give birth to in first place, for that low price segment they were aiming at…
it was peak of overstretch, for a small boutique company from europe, not china, and therefor a big lesson they’ve learned…

Recently bought a used M:C on a whim. Needed something fairly compact/powerful/characterful for my portable setup and I’m enjoying it way more than I thought I would. Especially since a lot of people seemed to be shitting on it. But you really do get a lot for cheap. If this is the result of faulty strategies, then I’m thankful for that. Whoop Whoop. Syntakt is not on my radar.


I own the DT, DN and MC. Yesterday I received the ST.
I bought the MC because of the compact format and the fun FM machines.
But I already had spend a lot of time with the DT and DN before I bought the MC
Personally I like the DIGI format a lot more, same for the ST ;
Combi of analog/digi tracks/machine + FX track really takes it to another level. I really like their approach on the ST.Doesn’t mean I am going to sell the MC - it’s still a fun box and most of all very portable. Great to take it to the beach with a couple of cans of beer.

I think it’s just a question of taste or/and what your are used to.
Also the ST cost a lot more. So when comparing those 2 is like apples and oranges.
They both are great and they both have their pros/cons.


Yep that would’ve been me for sure as well had the Model Samples been there before I bought my Digitakt. I think the Model line is definitely the inexpensive lure to hook customers curious about Elektron machines.

Recently got a M:C and just the Kick and Tone machines alone work great for bass synth / drum duties.

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I’m getting a Syntakt but no way I’ll sell my Cycles. The sounds and the fact it’s very immediate, it’s definitely a keeper (+ not that expensive)


Got me thinking. I had a DN for a little while but I got a MC shortly after. Once I started using the MC the immediacy blew me away. Even though I love the sounds of the DN it felt so much more cumbersome. I am however rather inexperienced in electronic music compared to many of you people and wonder how much that lack of experience painted my comparison between the two. I let go of the DN and embraced the MC while trying other grooveboxes.

Part of me is still concerned about adopting the digi format again, but I also feel much more confident with this media than I had been. I want to get the same muscle memory I feel with the MC on the ST!

Yeah, I guess depends on a style too. If it’s more rhythm based I believe it’s ok to step into a dissonant territory once in a while, but if it’s more melodic, then sometimes these changes can indeed be a bit too harsh.


Ah sure, I get what you mean better now. Yeah, especially on say a tone track and you hit a weird ratio while it’s playing a tune.
Thanks for breaking it down for me!

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I am getting completely different sound between ST and Cycle

I tried to replicate a beat I made on Cycle with ST and I could not get the same vibe and funkiness

Cycles is more precise and you can get more randomness in the beat and you can reach very atonal territories

With ST you can get similar results with the 8 digital tracks but the analog tracks are basically a more mature version of the Rytm voices just a bit better

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I would rather get a M:C than a Drumtakt

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Does ST have the same cross modulation as in Cycles?

To me the ST has the same approach as the MC.
Advantage ; more tracks including analog ones and a FX track.
It’s not that deep as the DN concerning the synthesizer aspect.
DN = A synthesizer in one box
ST = A collection of tiny synthesizers in one box.


I think it is slightly different

I prefer the MC one

Also on the MC when you set the LFO rate of the Tone at 2k you get that amazing distorted sound very Autechre style and if you automate the LFO destination you get pretty amazing results

I did it on ST but it did not sound the same

Bear in mind that I have spent the last 2 years just with the MC, I have also Rytm, DN and some modulars but i have not touched them much


I think this question doesn’t even make sense when you consider that DT existed long before M:S

I think the Models are very under rated as people thinks they are touys

They are both amazing Machines perfect for IDM and any Electronic music genre

The simplicity of the layout allow you to venture more than when using DT or DN for example


You do it again. :tongue:

I think it was rather smart a move, business-wise.
Numbers show they can compete even on Behringher’s ground. And convert new people to their view.

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…all truu…and models concept surely expanded the brand to many new people…but still…they’re simply not behringer or roland…
…and low price segment is a great plan…on paper…
we all tend to think, a plastic casing is cheaper than metal, only as one example…and it is, but only once u really gain a lot in sales…u simply need way more sales in low price segment to make reasonable profits… and for a truu and long time tradition boutique brand, that’s simply not too easy to handle…

selling 1000 units of a takt is way more profitable in percentages, than selling 1000 cycles units…
while it remains way more easy to service a takt than a cycles…

the models where indeed a great and pretty smart concept in next level overall product design…but needed quite some big pre investment compared to their traditional concepts…no mistakes here…just gain in experience…and a conclusion to simply stay better boutique than aiming for further mass market approaches in the future…

why bother if ur doing totally fine in selling heaps of boutique intruments instead of constantly husseling and risking a lot to sell heaps and heaps and heaps of models…

The Model adventure also pushed further Elektron philosophy about the simplification of the design: using 1 macro rather than 5 simple parameters is absolutely necessary when you want a knob per function device. This exercise was really pushed in the Model series. (It was already there in the Monomachine btw).
The Syntakt benefitted from this experience, in a way. You find again this macro encoders approach.
So the R&D cost was shared among boxes.
The price to pay is that it enforces a certain sound signature, as you narrow the field of possible values. But offers a better playability.
Many machines to circumvent the control simplicity, and there you go.