M:C obsolete now there's ST?

Model:cycles runs off USB power, and is cheap enough that it isn’t a disaster if something bad happens to it. Those are useful features in their own right. Means I can leave mine anywhere in the house, despite having a 3 year old who loves to smash things, or take them camping. I’d never do that with a Syntakt.


I bought an used M:C a few weeks ago for exact the same reason. Cheap model which I can throw into my backpack. I was very surprised by how immediate things are. Actually so much that I am about to buy a m:s.

I am btw an owner of DT and DN

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yeah, different uses really.

I thought about it a quick second (selling the MC with the ST coming in) but ultimately decided otherwise.

I realize that I use the MC as an immediate way to get a quick groove or sketch idea of a pattern going as I spend more time on sound design and a more detailed approach with the ST.

Both of them have sonic similarities, but they cover different needs in my creative approach.

Finally decided I ll have both.

:koala: :3lektron: :raccoon:


bought DT first, then Model Samples, and Model cycles, then bought another model samples to go with them… love them all…
the dT and model samples don’t feel the same at all to me in use, among other things like difference in weight, 1kpf, the difference in feel makes them valuable imo…cause you can sit down with the same underlying core but with a different workflow that leads to different outcomes

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Would be nice if a M:C project could be loaded on a ST. Technically, it should be possible since the ST is basically a superset.


I think, ST owners might skip the M:C. I kept the M:C because to me it was very different to the DN and the M:C is very complete in it’s own way. The M:S however felt much like a 4-Gear VW Golf II C - kinda cool and you can do a lot and get a feeling for it but you also feel the limitation. Well, but I already had the DT (GTI if you like)… :wink: :slight_smile:

Is M:C obsolete ? No, it is not:


Easy: If one likes the sounds of the M:C, then why not buy it since it’s much cheaper. Example:

I didn’t like the sounds of the M:C, but I love the sounds of the Syntakt.

So I sold my M:C and got the Syntakt. I wouldn’t even tell this story if I wouldn’t like to highlight how different they are.


I have both and they are two different species with - to me - a different workflow.

what makes you love the sounds of the syntakt so much more n contrast?


The things I’m using and doing on the Syntakt I couldn’t even do on the M:C.


Just want to comment that, unless I am mistaken, you need to purchase a 3rd party cable to power it off of a USB port.

As for it being “obsolete”, I’m just remaining hopeful that we get a major firmware update in the near future. Like many others, I want an Attack control and another LFO. A Noise machine would be massive too, but secondary to those two other things.

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I think an update might come but I don’t imagine it will bring a lot of extra functionality. I could be wrong. I looked through my feature requests for M:C and nearly of them were answered in the Syntakt so I think it’s possible that more resources and focus will be going in other directions.

Yes, you can power it via USB. It’s pretty handy.

Ok, I just tried plugging it into the USB port on my PC and got no power. Probably needs additional setup?

You will need to use a cable that converts USB to 5V DC power. Different companies makes these types of cables, they’re not too expensive. The trick is getting a cable with the proper barrel size for the M:C.

Yeah, that was the point of my comment.

It doesn’t just simply “run off USB power”. I just want to be clear for people reading this thread who might not be familiar with the device.

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Just to be even more clear: you only need a very simple adapter-cable from USB to DC jack. Mine cost 1-2 €. There is no need for a ripchord or something like this


The immediacy of the M:C and the knob per function are great value added and are not on Syntakt so I returned the Syntakt.


I have 3 Guitars which all have 6 Strings and two Pickups. Tuning is the same on all of them. But believe me they all sound way different. So does the rytm…way different