M:C or M:S & BeatStep Pro

Hi, I’m thinking of buying an Arturia BeatStep Pro to play with both of my Models but I’m wondering if it’s a good idea? How do the sequencers on each machine interact with each others? Has any of you tried it or even better play with those regularly? I love my Models and I really like what the BeatStep Pro can do so I’m very interested. Unfortunately there is almost nothing on YouTube about those very instruments being played together…

…i don’t see any advantage in sequencing the models externally…
but obvious disadvantages, since the swedish sequencer is already an instrument of it’s own, no matter what kind of sound concept it’s dealing with…

beat step pro is a nice sequencer for stuff that does not have it’s own sequencer or at least a pretty poor one…

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The M:S is “only” a sample player and the M:C is “only” an FM based grooovebox so what exactly do you want to say about those 2 being played with a BeatStep Pro?

…sorry…edited…inbetween…ur title with that “or” is confusing…and neither of them really needs a beatstep pro to get along…and all hands on advantages of the models would be skipped with it in first place…

Thank you for your opinion, actually the whole point is to be able to control the Models with the BeatStep Pro but I’d be interested in reading what people who have some experience with those have to say

The only thing that seems interesting by linking the Beatstep pro and the models is the possibility of setting up a song mode by sequencing a series of patterns.
But I’m not sur if the beatstep pro can execute pattern changes on the models series.

I actually own a BeatStep Pro and both the M:S and the M:C. The only way I could sequence them with the BeatStep would be setting up the M:C to channel 1 to 6, the M:S to channel 7 to 13. Then configure the BeatStep drum pads accordingly. That’s way too much work when I can just use the Octatrack arranger to actually change patterns on the M:C/M:S.

Addendum: It’s such a shame that the BeatStep Pro is buggy as hell. It would be such a cool sequencer otherwise.

I’d get a keystep with the M:C so that you can play arpeggiator on some of the synth…

Yeah, well that’s what I just did… I bought a Keystep 37, still waiting for it to be delivered.
Thanks for your help guys, I was hoping the BeatStep Pro would have been more useful with the Models :face_with_monocle:

yeah the keystep is a beast - I really enjoyed playing with it while I had it. The keystep and the model:cycle is really a full-on device, as you have the pressure-sensitive pad from the model + the sequencer and with the keystep you get an awesome controller where you can move from one midi channel to another and use arpeggiators and sequences live… the possibilites are quite infinite. Are you using both Models? Cause then you can have a massive multi-layered synth on the cycle with crazy sound sculpting possibilities…

Oh yeah, I’m using both Models, I love those 2 little machines but I haven’t received the KeyStep yet… Sometime next week :smiley: