M:C song transferred to Syntakt?

I have a bunch of songs written on my Model:Cycles, and I was just wondering if it’s possible to transfer them onto the Syntakt. Has anybody tried this before? Any tips?

I know the Syntakt has some of the same patches that are on the Cycles, and some of the machines are basically the same but I figure it’ll still be somewhat labor-intensive getting the sounds close to the same, much less any conditional trigs, etc.


This would be so great! Even if sound-wise it’s not a 1-to-1 copy, this makes transferring songs between Cycles and Syntakt infinitely easier.

I hope someone clever will find a way :wink:

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No, it’s not possible. You will have to recreate them on the Syntakt if you want them on the Syntakt. Luckily, the machine parameters are similar enough that you can recreate your sounds with relative ease. Patterns and conditional trigs are another matter :smirk:


Send midi notes from MC, record them with ST. Possible to record several tracks at a time.
I think that’s the best you can do. Select appropriate machines. I suppose parameters CCs don’t match, would be usefull.

(I don’t know about MC, I presume it can send midi once set so, as MS.)


As an alternative strategy, why not keep the patterns on the M:C and sync it to the song you’re working on on the ST?

I did it by sending midi notes from the m:c (Trk Menu [Func + Track], check MOut) and recording them into the Syntakt.
Then I matched the track sounds manually. Like this :

ST BD Modern m:c Kick
Tune Pitch
Swep Sweep
Pnch :boxing_glove:
Dec Decay
SMod Color
TMod Shape
MEnv 127 - Contour
Over *
ST SD Classic m:c Snare
Tune Pitch
Swep Sweep
Pnch :boxing_glove:
Dec Decay
InHm Color
MdFb Shape
MEnv 127 - Contour
Over *
ST CY Alloy m:c Metal
Tune Pitch
Shim Sweep
Pnch :boxing_glove:
Dec Decay
Radio Color
Mod Shape
MEnv 127 - Contour
Over *
ST PC Carbon m:c Perc
Tune Pitch
Swep Sweep
Pnch :boxing_glove:
Dec Decay
InHm Color
Mod Shape
MEnv 127 - Contour
Over *
ST SY Tone m:c Tone
Tune Pitch
Ratio Color
Pnch :boxing_glove:
Dec Decay
Fdbk Sweep
Mod Shape
MEnv 127 - Contour
Over *
ST SY Chord m:c Chord
Tune Pitch
Wave Sweep
Pnch :boxing_glove:
Dec Decay
Type Shape
Bal Color
MEnv 127 - Contour
Over *

* Try to match Volume+Dist using Amp and Over. Also, don’t forget to set the Amp Mode to AHD