M:C Tracks seem out of sync when changing scale?

I have two Tracks with my Pattern (both with exactly the same sound which is a Kick, no effects are applied).

Track 1 has Scale set to “1x” (set with Func+Page). If I now set the scale for Track 2 to “1/2x”, the tracks are out of sync (T2 is now slightly behind T1).

Is that a known issue? It shouldn´t be that way, right?

If you change the scale while the sequencer is playing, the tracks will be out of sync (unless you’re a Jedi).

If they’re still out of sync after you’ve restarted the sequencer, there’s probably a problem you need to contact support about.


Thanks! Yeah – still out of sync after restarting the sequencer. Even when I shut down the device and turn it on again, it´s the same. Seems a bit weird since I didn’t have any othere issue so far.

Have you tried loading a new project to see if it still does it.

If you have and it still does it I’d open a support ticket if I were you.

Yes – I’ve already tried with a new project. Will open a support ticket!

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How are you recording your kick pattern? Grid recording or live recording unquantised perhaps ? In the latter case, if you were slightly off the grid I can see how it might happen.

Grid recording!

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According to Elektron, it’s like that with every sequencer on every Elektron device (and it has always been that way). Elektron told me that you decrease the base resolution of the step sequencer when changing scale. So far, my understanding was that you change the playback speed (and not the resolution) – as described with the M:C manual:

Scale controls the speed the playback in multiples of the current tempo. It offers seven possible settings, 1/8X, 1/4X, 1/2X, 3/4X, 1X, 3/2X and 2X. A setting of 1/8X plays back the pattern at one-eighth of the set tempo. 3/4X plays the pattern back at three-quarters of the tempo; 3/2X plays back the pattern twice as fast as the 3/4X setting. 2X makes the pattern play at twice the BPM.

Now it would be interesting if anyone can reproduce this (preferably with a Digitakt or Digitone). IMO this makes it really hard to use “scale”, esp. with a live setup.

Playback speed and resolution are effectively the same thing in this context.

If you decrease scale to 1/2, you’re slowing the pattern/track down, but also decreasing the trig resolution from 16th notes to 8th notes, as the sequencer runs at half speed.

Are you able to post a recording of your test track? What’s the desired outcome you’re looking for?

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In order to reproduce it, you just new two tracks and about a minute (use grid recording mode):

  1. (Optional) New project
  2. Select Sound for T1, trigs 4/8/12/16
  3. Do the same with T2 (or copy from T1)
  4. Stop > Play > everything is in sync (see VIDEO-01)
  5. Set Scale of T2 to 1/2x
  6. Stop > Play > T2 triggers earlier (see VIDEO-02)
  7. (Optional) Set nudge for every trig on T2 to 1/32 (T1/T2 should be in sync again)

My assumption was that with Step 6, both tracks are still in sync (you only hear one note instead of two notes with a minor delay).

Here are 2 videos with the results of step 4 and 6 (sorry about the quality, but I guess it shows what I mean).

Pretty sure everything stems from your placing trigs on steps 4/8/12/16. Try it with 1/5/9/13 instead and you should have no problem.

With your setup trig 8 on track 1 is playing 7/16th notes into the bar, whereas trig 4 on track 2 is playing at 6/16th notes into the bar (3/16th notes at half speed) . Hence they will sound 1/16th note apart.


Yep, that’s the expected behaviour. It’s probably better explained with a diagram or animation, but I’m posting from bed and can’t draw one right now.


Indeed - this is behaving correctly

Think of the T1 pattern as

one and two and / one and two and / one and two and / one and two and /

by setting the track to half time, you basically loose all the ands (every other even step) positions from the sequencer - i.e. the placeholders are gone - the sequence must take longer to play back, so the ands all fall in previously odd placeholders)

play the same sequence back in half rate you create less resolution for T2
so you get (the full white squares are non existent steps because we have halved the seq rate) - shown only until T1 loops, T2 only half way through


:black_large_square: :black_square_button: :black_large_square: :red_square: :black_large_square: :black_square_button: :black_large_square: :red_square: :black_large_square: :black_square_button: :black_large_square: :red_square: :black_large_square: :black_square_button: :black_large_square: :red_square:

:black_large_square: :white_large_square: :black_square_button: :white_large_square: :black_large_square: :white_large_square: :red_square: :white_large_square: :black_large_square: :white_large_square: :black_square_button: :white_large_square: :black_large_square: :white_large_square: :red_square: :white_large_square:

and with no beats in the and(‘dropped’)even positions

aligned (every other)

:red_square: :black_square_button: :black_large_square: :black_square_button: :red_square: :black_square_button: :black_large_square: :black_square_button: :red_square: :black_square_button: :black_large_square: :black_square_button: :red_square: :black_square_button: :black_large_square: :black_square_button:

:red_square: :white_large_square: :black_square_button: :white_large_square: :black_large_square: :white_large_square: :black_square_button: :white_large_square: :red_square: :white_large_square: :black_square_button: :white_large_square: :black_large_square: :white_large_square: :black_square_button: :white_large_square:


Thanks for the feedback and explanations (esp. the diagram)!

I do understand what you’re saying. It’s still a bit weird when I’m connecting the M:C with another synth – a track with scale 1/2x and 120bpm behaves different than a track with scale 1x and 60bpm. It’s a bit hard to capture, but I’ll try to come up with an example.

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