M:C with other effects/processing

Does anyone run their M:C through effects? Stompbox pedals, rackmount, preamps, modules, DAW emulations, processors? To warm it up, or mangle it, or whatever. I use an EHX Bass Metaphors, its a compressior/channel strip/distortion that sounds good with drum machines. Kind of adds a little dynamic fuzzy sidechain filter vibe to the sound.

I haven’t experimented too much yet. So far I’ve run it through my evolver (crazy) and my trusty old moogerfooger ring mod which anything sounds good through.
Surely I’ll try other things before long.

Still trying to figure out a good workflow but thinking about feeding it to either Drambo or Nanostudio and applying other processing there. Work been so crazy lately haven’t had much time to look into it :angry:

I tried it with an OTO Boum…

It Sounds massive


Good luck, it’s unusable with iPad due to audio drop outs

Always wanted one of those OTO machines but they cost so damn much. Are they worth it?

Yeah, I’m kind of leaning more toward just sampling it there, and then sequencing in either D or NS2. So not too worried about drop outs.

My experience has been less than stellar trying to use the USB connection on either iPad or a Windows laptop lol… I am certain it’s me. Oh well.

Yes, best purchase I made in 2020

I’ve been running M:C through the Microcosm and it’s awesome! …then they both go into an Analog Heat.

I use an EHX Bass Metaphors, its a compressior/channel strip/distortion that sounds good with drum machines. Kind of adds a little dynamic fuzzy sidechain filter vibe to the sound.

@IdkProbly Any examples of the sound?