Machindedrum Not Responding/Lagging

happy new year guys :joy:

many thanks to everybody who helped the first time i posted and helped, much appreciated. this forum is truly welcoming and cool! this time i spent quite a lot of time reading the manuals and exploring the machine…there is few creative stuff i would love to discuss, but unfortunately, my 3 weeks old Machinedrum is behaving weird at times :disappointed:

at totally random moments (few time every week), whenever it feels like, it will simply stop responding to the commands i give. Pressing for example Tempo or Function + Global simple won’t bring up the windows it should. Pressing play might work, but after 2-3 times. then after 1-2 minutes or whatever time, all the things i asked for will very quickly happen together in a split of a second… and then everything will stop responding again.

has anybody else had the same experience? this looks to me like some kind of system lag. i truly hope its the software not the hardware. any ideas?



yea had something like this… i think in my case it was linked to using the inputs to trigger internal machines…

so i dunno, it seems that certain circumstances can kind of mess with the OS, not sure what’s happening exactly. What helped was a factory reset.

If this doesn’t provide a cure, apply stick.

that’s actually interesting, because it seems to behave like this when i have the Control In and Tempo In (from the Sync menu in Global) enabled…maybe it’s because it’s expecting some kind of signal/trigger from the DAW or other hardware?

nah it should just work normally with its own tempo when no sync signal is received…