Machinedrum and Ableton Live

I’m using my MD with Live and get some unexpected things happening. For example, when I create a new track in Live it mutes some of my MD tracks
I didn’t think creating a new track in Live would output any midi data…

Anyone have the same experience?

Should I just create a new Global setup on my MD for using with Live?

yes, without knowing directly.

the elektron machines are set up to intake midi data.
so having a separate GLOBAL setup for Live would be advised.


I’ve used my MD with Live for a while now and only had this problem since upgrading to Live 9.
I’ve done some tests with midi monitor and sent a report to Ableton.
It seems Live is spitting out some random midi data.
Going to re-install now and hopefully get a reply from the Ableton guys soon.

Live outputs midi when the set changes for updating the control surface scripts (e.g. name of new track to Push).
I guess you have activated the “remote” button on the midi output port the MD is connected to. Deactivate it to not have this happening anymore.

Thanks I figured it out (with some help from Ableton support) I had my midi interface selected as a control surface… oops
All good now.

you mention a controlsurface
which one is to use, since i havent found one in the dropdown list. so i figure, there is none?
which alternative do i have?