Machinedrum and monomachine gone forever!

How about orders to retailers?

I do not know about that, sorry. You will have to ask your retailer.

I did, and they said they don’t know… Elektron hasn’t told them anything, @Ess

The way stores order from manufacturers really means that the store is to blame when an order they already took from you can’t be fulfilled.

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…yet! Anyway, I can totally agree your point of view and I hope for the best as well regarding to my order. It is just simply a little bit worrisome to read the threads how they have overloaded themselves with orders, that there are still some retails that are waiting for not a small amount of machines since long months ago.

I ordered from sweetwater just as they ran out. waited a month, cancelled, ordered a month ago again, today they said it would be another month wait, probably maybe. canceled, and now I have a rytm on its way. damn you elektron!!! haha

I sold my a RYTM and am waiting for my MDUW ordered directly.

I ordered on the 9th of June, when did you guys order ?

I have ordered it on 16th of June directly from Elektron as well. Hopefully the next week will bring some good news.

Has anybody may any experiencies about the delivery time and the amount of tax i will have to pay in Switzerland?

About 9 percent in customs tax. I paid around 70 francs when ordering mnm. UPS will invoice you a little later.

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Sorry forgot to answer your question re delivery time, about 5 business days once shipped.

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Bye bye machinedrum
Long shall you live on eBay and on gumtree
I hold the world record for 13 or 14 times I have bought and sold you, dear machinedrum -mk1, mk2, mk2uw, mk1uw, mk2uw+ and then some
I hate you but I also love you dearly

Anyone have an mk1 for sale, ha

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I ordered from Sweetwater too. They said they were getting less than expected and had to cancel my order.

As I stated elsewhere, I ordered a Monomachine from B&H Photo during a very short period of time when there was an “add to cart” button on the product page (rather than the “notify me when in stock” button that has been there most of the time). This was the day after the announcement. Last week, they maintained that they were expecting a shipment by the 10th and that mine would be shipped out then. I hope that’s the case. The order has not been cancelled, so I am cautiously optimistic.

Bill Youngman live at Krake Festival using Machinedrum, Monomachine and Octatrack

It’s a bit frustrating that no one seems to know. The retailer says “Elektron hasn’t told us anything about the shipment” and then Simon posts that he doesn’t know about retail orders and to ask my retailer.

Certainly Elektron knows who they have outstanding retailer orders with and if they think they’ll be able to fulfill them. My retailer knows nothing of the Elektron production status, so that answer seemed like a bit of deflection.

If I had to guess, most of us who placed retail orders won’t have their order fulfilled. Too much ambiguity on Elektrons side to feel optimistic.


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B&H has not been any less ambiguous. I called them previous to ordering (at a time when they weren’t actually taking new orders) and was told that they simply didn’t know anything about how many were expected. The next day they began taking orders again, albeit briefly. That’s when I ordered the Monomachine (after months of waiting to see if they’d come into stock). Last week when I emailed to check the status, I got the reply to which I referred above, so they either obtained new information or one or both of the employees with whom I communicated was mistaken. Now, like everyone else, I just wait…

Funny thing that I asked and there are still(!) retailers who accepting orders for MDUW with four weeks delivery time! :smiley: It totally worth it if you have some money that you do not need for a month long peroid.

Has anybody gotten his status to “shipped” with this week who has ordered MDUW directly from Elektron?