Machinedrum external input

Hey guys,

I’m a new owner of an SPS-1 machinedrum. I was wondering, are there any options of tweaking sounds from external sources?

I have a synth plugged in the A input, I can hear it from the start, not added any kind of machine or anything to it.

My question is this: Is there any way of connecting it to a certain input so I can use the effects from the MD, as well as envelopes, distortion, etc?


I do it easily with an IMP machine, a trig on a dedicated track and delays/reverb of the MD. I cue my octatrack to the MD input A, and then I can tweak the OT sound cued to the MD.

THanks for the fast reply. I do know what a INP machine is, but other than that, I’m over my head unfortunately

What is exactly over your head ? Try it and you’ll see that it’s quite easy.

I’m using M2 in the sound selection. I’ve set up an INP>GA, and that’s about it. I have no idea how to do the rest. I must be the stupidest person on these boards, I know :slight_smile:

If you can hear the source then you’re doing OK. If not, turn VOL up, GATE down, ATCK down, HLD up, DEC up.

Once you can hear the source you can use the Track Effects (Track Effects page) and send the sound to the MD’s delay, reverb, and compressor from the Routing page. (If you don’t know about these, then go back to the Quick Start guide in the manual.)

The thing is the sound is going by default, even if I load an empty kit. And I can not play with the sound in any way

What happens when you assign a regular synth machine to the problematic track (after you have loaded the empty kit)?

What happens when you assign a regular synth machine to the problematic track (after you have loaded the empty kit)?[/quote]
I don have a problematic track I think. If I load a normal synth machine on any track it works like it’s supposed to. Maybe I’m not explaining properly. Would love something step-by-step or similar.
I load an empty kit, plug my external synth in A input, and the sound goes through. I don’t think I can explain any better unfortunately.

I think the problem is I don’t know how to assign that input to a specific track.

The input is assigned to the track where you set the INP machine. Once this machine set, just press a trig on record mode (first step is better) on this track. Then your input is correctly set and you can use delay/rev/etc. on your synth.

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Kit window > Edit.

Choose a track with the SOUND SELECTION wheel.

Assign the INP machine.

See pages 17 and 18 of the manual.

Edit: this is what drone described in the previous post.

page A-11 of the appendix at the back of the machinedrum manual tells you everything you need to know.

set the machine to INP, I usually use tracks M3 and M4 for my line ins.

I really hope he has figured it out by now.

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