Machinedrum fx problems

Hi guys, recently i had a problem with my Machinedrum it was really slow and buggy. The LCD was even stuck for while so i had to reset it. I reset my MD and created a new snapshot on my name and started from new. I am now using my machine drum with 4 output A, B, C, D to my mixer. I put the sound that i like and created a few patterns but after a while i wanted to add some Parameter locks and realise that my rev and delay doesn’t work. I don’t know where is the problem is it because i’m using 4 outputs???

From page 28 of the manual:

The MASTER EFFECTS is only available on the main outputs. You can’t use them on the individual outputs.

yeah i just figured that out sorry. Any alternative way? i guess i’ll put my kick and other stuff that i want mono in like E D and stuff that i wanna change in main.

I mean i still wanna use the parameter locks for some sounds… But at the same time i want to use mono sounds like kick or some snares hihat to one channel of my mixer to use my EQ’s and compressor to it.

I can’t tell whether you are having problems with using any p-locks. If you are having problems, make sure that the MD is in Extended mode.