Machinedrum Immediate Pattern Change

Is it possible to change the pattern immediately while the sequencer is running? (using bank and trigger buttons). If it is, then is it also possible to switch patterns like in the middle of a pattern and then the other pattern continues from that position (not from the beginning of the pattern)?

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No, unfortunately the sequencer has to play through all of the steps in the pattern before it will switch. You could accomplish this with song mode, however.

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you actually can - with midi.
if you send midi notes to trigger patterns you can configure the machinedrum to change patterns on the fly.

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I’ve reassigned the MD drum triggers to the very lowest 16 MIDI notes, then the remaining 112 notes have been assigned to patterns. This gives you instant access to almost all of the patterns on the machine (I use the last 16 as a test lab anyway).

I’ve set up a MIDI channel on my OT which just sends out relevant notes to trigger different MD patterns. The advantage is that you can chop between loads of patterns and make a Junglish mess incredibly easily, or use the arpeggiator to trigger patterns in ways you might not have thought of.


thanks for the input folks, so i tried to switch patterns on the fly with my keyboard and it works. however once i hit a note it starts the corresponding pattern from the beginning. what i want to do is: pattern 1 is playing and while sequencer is at step 7 i switch to pattern 2, and pattern 2 immediately starts playing from step 7. any way to achieve this?

As Accent hinted above, the closest you can get to this with the MD is to edit a song that’s playing while in Song Mode.

Otherwise, as a vaguely-related alternative, you could put the elements of two patterns into one pattern and then mute one or other set of tracks.

Or get two MDs.


As Accent hinted above, the closest you can get to this with the MD is to edit a song that’s playing while in Song Mode.

Otherwise, as a vaguely-related alternative, you could put the elements of two patterns into one pattern and then mute one or other set of tracks.

Or get two MDs.[/quote]
Yeah you’re going to need to dive into Song mode for this. Arrange the patterns how you want with offsets etc then nest this sequence in an infinite loop. Once its time to move on then just exit Song mode or select the next line in Song mode after your loop command.

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I stumbled upon the midi change trick. Is there more info on this regarding what notes correspond to which patterns? And it’s limited only to the current bank you’re working with, right?

Sorry for the post resurrection, but i’m looking for a sequencer with this exact feature (see quote below).
Do you know of any Elektron box (or other) able to do it: Changing the pattern while playing without restarting from step one ?


Elektron Analog Four and Analog Rytm, using their Direct Jump pattern mode.

Ok, nice, Thank you Peter! i’ll look into it. I didn’t find anything in the Rytm’s manual but only scratched the surface…