Machinedrum incoming!

Thanks! I found one on Reverb in minty shape, can’t wait for it to get here. I’ve been using the Octatrack for drum duties, but it’s not always the fastest/most intuitive to come up with good rhythms…uses up precious tracks quick too. With 16 tracks and sampling capability, the MD takes care of my drum machine needs and frees up my OT for longer samples/melodic stuff/through machines. I’m on Mac as well, so updating if necessary shouldn’t be an issue I hope.

I downloaded a bunch of the free Elektron sound packs for the MD, any experience with those?

I grabbed some them too, but haven’t had a chance to try them yet. I did install the MD 808 and MD 909 kits though.

I wanted the MD for its own unique flavor, so I’ve been trying out all the ‘machines’ and programming those. Coming from other Elektron gear you should get along it with quickly. I’ve only referenced the manual so far for learning how to save things and what the snapshots are all about. I’m only barely scratching the surface so far, but it’s very enjoyable to use.


My MD arrives sometime next week, and I’ve got the welcome committee out and waiting: