Machinedrum is back from the living Dead!

…I finally managed it to bring this baby back!

For some of you having similar issues, here is what it finally was.

It all started with not booting anymore and stuck in the black screen of death with some dropout pixels.
Sound was dropping out ocassionally with noise bursts until it went completely silent.
Checked Battery ( it shouldn’t go black even when battery is empty).
Checked PSU and PSU-Board.
Switched, cleaned and re-soldered Connectors…no change.
Changed the IO-Board with no luck. Changed the UI-Board with no luck.
So last chance was the CPU-Board which is not obtainable anymore. So not much hope and I left it
disassembled for a long time.

One day I decided to check again with a watchmaker magnifying glass. Checked every Solderjoint
on the CPU Board and saw that there were in fact some oxidated-looking joints. From a slight greenish color to some not so obvious dull looking cold joints.
So I bought a desolder-gun and a hot-air-solder-gun and started reworking carefully the joints on the CPU-Board.
And Voila, it’s back again…

So everyone who has a dead Unit thinking your CPU-Board has died, it’s worth it checking cold solder joints and rework them carefully with a hot-air-gun.
But only do this if you are experienced in Soldering like me. You can easily burn the Chips to final Death! Be careful!

So my Machinedrum Remote will get some Updates soon.

Back in the Game! :wink:

Cheers, Nik


Always like to hear about MD’s coming back to life. Congrats! sounds like hard work but well worth the effort!

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