Machinedrum issues

Hoping I might get some advice, I have had trouble with the bank buttons on my Machinedrum SPS1-UW all day. Neither A B or c do anything when pressed (this also means I cant mute or adjust swing). Earlier I found that with a little perseverance they would respond to a few hardi(ish) presses but even thats not working now. I have run it on test mode and there is no response for those buttons there either.

I was thinking I would go out tomorrow and get the appropriate tool to take the faceplate off and maybe clean the inside? Has anyone else had a similar experience? could it just be dust that needs cleaning? It seems odd that its 3 buttons next to each other and that would break and that they would work again for a short while then go again?

Any help appreciated!

Plot twist, tried this and now it won’t turn on at all.

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since you have it open, check all the cables inside are seated correctly. remove then and then plug back in.
I feel your pain though, I think I would die a little inside if my MD broke.


Yeah I checked that all ready.
Wary of doing anything else now in case it makes it worse. Hopefully elektron put me in touch with a UK technician.

check your psu also…i had a faulty one and the machinedrum would start but behaves faulty. after getting a new one, everything works again. do the button just don’t work or do they stick somehow?

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thanks for the advice.
Ok so second plot twist.
I had another look inside and have realised that the 250v fuse has blown! will be going to B&Q tomorrow to buy another tomorrow!


Its working again!
now just to wait for Elektron support to reply to see about fixing/replacing those broken buttons.

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Glad you brought it back to life.For the rest I think some cleaning or button replacement will do the job.I wonder are the buttons iron attached like the encoders ?

no, they seem to just be soldered in.

There’s a battery inside of it too. I think it looks like a big watch battery. Since you have it open it might be good to change it out with a fresh one. I think it has something to do with recalling the memory in the last state, someone else might know better than me on that one but I’ve heard some people having issues with those before too.