Machinedrum Mapping + Drumrack error

Hi all,

Running into an issue I was hoping maybe someone else has experienced and been able to resolve.

When I build a drumrack in Ableton and start to map external instrument to the Machinedrum (ex. C1 - BD 1 C2) everytime I try to trigger that pad the mapping on the Machinedrum jumps up. So press the BD trigger within Ableton’s Drumrack and nothing plays, then check on the Machinedrum mapping, and C2 has assigned itself to C3.

I’ve exhausted the googling and manual reading without finding any fixes, so thought I’d check here. Anyone able to please help a super confused dude out here?

We use “Note Number” and there is no standard. Maybe Ableton calls 48 C3, Elektron Note 48 = C2

Or are you talking about triggering different ways?

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Hi Rusty,

I probably didn’t explain myself properly. I’ll try to be clearer, and I’ll attach photos to maybe help clarify - apologies for my lack of technical language if I’m confusing things.

1 - I build a Drumrack in Ableton with each pad set up as an external instrument to trigger a machine on the Machinedrum, (ie. BD, SD, HT).

2 - I correspond the pads on the Drumrack with the Machinedrum Control Map Editor, Track Mapping feature, (ie. BD - C2, SD - D2, HT - E2, etc).

3 - When I try to play the pad on the Ableton Drumrack the Track map assignment jumps up from what I’ve assigned it to (ex. press the BD trigger, BD assigned as C2, jumps up to C3 and doesn’t trigger)

The part that’s driving me crazy is I had it working when I first mapped it, and within seconds it all went haywire. I can’t really trace why it’s happening.

Do you have a midi loopback scenario going on?

I don’t believe so, I’m not super familiar with midi loops, but when I hook up my Digitone in the same way, for example, everything works as it should.

Just wanted to reply on here in case anyone is googling/troubleshooting a similar situation.

Machinedrum maps midi value notes differently. So shift everything on the Machinedrum an octave up from your values in an Ableton drumrack (ex. Set BD1 to C3, then the corresponding external instrument pad to C2 and so on) and it’ll all trigger correctly.

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