Machinedrum MIDI Mapping one octave lower than expected

Perhaps im being stupid here, but i’ve got (sort of an issue) where if i send MIDI from ableton to
the machinedrum and the MIDI editor in the machinedrum says it needs to be receiving say, a C3, a C3 from ableton will not work, it’s only a C2 that will trigger the machinedrum. this goes for any note, ive tried it. anybody else experience the same?

is there something that is staring me right in the face here? i mean, i can kinda work around it, its jsut another unnecessary layer of confusion

Apart from hardware specific problems, there is actually no real midi 1.0 specification related to octave naming. Each manufacturer has his own way of dealing with it, resulting sometimes in an octave shift between them. Some of them even have differences in their own line of products…Try octatrack and analog keys for exemple… :slight_smile:


Drop a pitch device at -12 in Live and forget it !


ooooooh i see!! thanks for clearing that up :slight_smile: doesnt bother me too much like i say

ahaha yeah good idea

It’s an Ableton thing iirc. They picked a different middle c :smiley:

My AK plays one octave higher than my OT and two octaves higher than Ableton Live.
Even amongst Elektron machines, there are differences, but yeah, there is no standard and Elektron always references the exact midi notes in their manuals to avoid confusion.

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