Machinedrum MIDI with Virus TI

Hi everyone,

I have my Machinedrum SPS-1 UW for almost half a year now. I almost sold it because i just could not get it to glue with my sound. Eventually I pushed through and kept playing on it untill I found what i was looking for. Now its one of the best things in my life. (kinda sad, I know :slight_smile: ) Recently been trying to get it to work with my Virus TI. I know it’s not the best sequencer but its just for the occasional stab or bass sound. The problem is that all of my machines trigger notes on the Virus. This is nice and cool, can get really fun stuff out if this way. But I still would like to know how only my midi machine could trigger it. Went through both manuals but did not find any answers.
My Machinedrum is connected to my Virus TI wiht a regular MIDI-cable (audio straight into mixer) and my Virus Ti is USB-connected with my computer.
If anyone knows how this could be fixed please let my know.


It sounds like your machinedrum is spitting out to much midi.
in this case, it sends its internal sequencing notes… and your virus is responding to that…

now you got 2 choices:
make your machinedrum shut up, and not send its internal sequencer midi… but only midi for other machines…

or stop your virus from responding to midichannels which you assigned to your machinedrum…

I know, that the machinedrum has a setting that makes it “shut up”
its a simple thing you check somewhere in the global setupslot you are using at the moment…

alaas, i forgot the name of that option… so look for it in the manual
or hope some dude knows what i am talking about and says “that option is called” …


Set the Base Channel to ‘–’.

Yep that was it, did not figure out it could be set to ‘–’ …
Eventhough it’s in bold in the manual :-/
Anyway thx to both of you!

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