MachineDrum (mk2) Panel (Black with White 2023 Edition)

Doing a small run since a few didn’t love the Black with Gold/White as much as i thought.
This run will be Black with White only (see preview).

Very small run and we are currently taking pre-orders to fund the project.
Hit us up if you want to be on the pre-order list: <3


I like that you are working very hard on doing things to keep the machinedrum alive and I think these are very cool, but I feel like if you could keep your sales updates in just one thread and change the title to something like “Updates to Audio Parasites Custom Face Panels” it would help there to be less cluttered off topic posts about buying things and make it easier for people being notified of your topic updates to be “in the loop” about your progress.

please don’t take this as personal commentary, I’m just noticing that you aren’t posting in the for sale section because your account has not yet met the requirements to access it and at this rate a mod is already likely to merge your 2 topics.

As I said, I like what you’re doing and I saw your prices on the facebook link and I thought it was very reasonable for a high quality custom product like this so I hope you’ll continue to support MD and MNM upgrades.

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In stock ready to go….


keep posting threads

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Any chance of making MDUW MK1 panels. I love the look of the black but mine is an MK1. I think the only difference would be 3 holes where the pattern lights are on the bottom right instead of 4.

I have mk1 panels in black and gold only. Also there are a few things that were shifted in the mk2 version…. Not only just 3 to 4 holes. I had to learn the hard way when I ran a batch years ago and they didn’t fit :slightly_frowning_face:. Anyways since then I have corrected everything. But yeah, sorry no black and white for mk1 only the black and gold as explained :+1:

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They’re looking beautiful - ordered one and so looking forward to “upgrade” my MD UW+ MKII
Yay :ok_hand:

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Love my gold MD panel. You’re doing the lord’s work!

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Now I just need to find a MD!


It’s rainy here today in Sydney. So taking the time to glue the screens in :metal:


I put an MKII faceplate on an MKI. Main problem is FUNC and CLASSIC/Extended buttons.

I un-soldered the switches, shift them by bending a bit, soldered again.

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Wow that’s dedication.