Machinedrum no sound

hey everybody, i’m hoping somebody here can help me out. my precious machinedrum mk1 has stopped outputting audio. midi tracks work but no sound, and all the machines seem to function fine visually. i’ve done a factory reset and still nothing. could anyone point me to a place that would be equipped to do repairs? i have a friend that tried contacting elektron for troubleshooting help and schematics but they weren’t any help. anything is appreciated :pray:

Where are you based?

Also, you can just ask Elektron support for advice.

i’m based in akron, ohio
this is what they said:

we checked the voltages on the board and they were fine

You can ask m for a service center.

I know some but it’s across the Atlantic.

Maybe local control set to off in global settings ?

nope, it’s on. good call tho, but i think if that was the case it would of corrected when i did the factory reset

i’m going to try getting ahold of elektron again (last time was some while back), and hopefully finding someone in the states first. if that doesn’t work out i’ll most likely take you up on that.

You are right….factory default is set to on…
Hope you can fix the issue…

thank you, i appreciate it. i’ll come back here once i figure it out (:crossed_fingers:) and update anyone curious.


Did you find a solution. Mine is dead on the audio outs too.

i haven’t :disappointed:

eh, might sound stupid, but did you check MUTE?