Machinedrum Output Issue

Machinedrum SPS-1 Mk1

Right Output has a weird high pitched squeal coming from it. I tried different cables, headphones and outlets but it still persists.

Below is an example I recorded earlier.

Any help is much appreciated!

Can’t listen in detail at the moment but as I recall the compressor on the old OS’s used to squeal for certain settings. If the compressor is off, then it must be the output and you will have to send it in or take it to a tech.

Veets, have you had a chance to listen yet?

I have not used the compressor yet. I was wondering, could it be a faulty power supply/grounding issue?


Does swapping cable (L-R) change anything?

No, cable swapping makes no difference.
The problem exists in headphones also.

Sorry for the really slow reply but that is not the old MD compressor squeal sound. The compressor used to go eee-eee-eee with every big hit with a lot of bass in it. Absolutely the most horrible compressor you have ever heard.

Sounds like a Digital Signal is creeping in to your audio path.

I’ve had situations where Midi signals have crept in to the audio path and have sounded like this.

Have you disconnected all cables apart from audio?

It does indeed sound like midi data (saying that with a straight face).

I get this issue when I have one particular device midi’d up to the MD and then the output fed back into the MD.