Machinedrum sp1 UW+ MKII and Moog DFAM

Can the Machinedrum sequence the Moog DFAM, if so could you offer me a clue of how to hook this up?

With no additional equipment, you could use a GND-IM machine to send a trigger or gate signal (impulse) from the MD to the DFAM’s Trigger, Run/Stop, or Adv/Clock inputs.

With an additional MIDI-CV converter, you could use MIDI messages from the MD to send signals to any of the CV & gate/trigger inputs of the DFAM.


Awesome thank you Peter

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Can someone tell me something more, a bit of user experience on this method? I find this but other than understand that is possible it doesn’t tell much more for me.
I tried the dfam some time ago and I like the sound and structure but I sold it to buy the MD and now I want to reintegrate it in the setup

i’d also like some info about IM triggering from MD.

into the pulsar the triggers are quite weak (quiet), so tips or devices poeple insert into chain to manipulate and boost would be interesting.
i’m aware pulsar has 2 voltage amplifiers but am yet to explore if this would apply here.


I have my DFAM regularly hooked up to and trig&treated by my Machinedrum. Whereas the linked video by @Masterblaster shows the DFAM controlled by its ADV/CLOCK in, I use two connections (to TRIG and RUN/STOP in) from MD->DFAM for two reasons.

  1. I simply haven’t wrapped my head around the correct (as in pleasing to me) way of trigering the GND IMP for the ADV/CLOCK in
  2. By using TRIG as well as RUN/STOP I am able to use Megacommands feature of individual track lenghts for polyrhythmical as well as on-point sequences

I have to admit that I’m not completely there yet in terms of understanding the TRIG pulse that can be generated with the parameters available in the MD (might investigate this soon, since I just borrowed a Oscilloscope) but the general procedure I follow is to hook up two connections of MD’s individual out to TRIG and RUN/STOP, assign two GND-IMP to the two outputs, place the trigs I want and off I go.
For example if you want the DFAM to follow the casual 4/4, the closest I found was to set trigs on the IMP-machine in 8th notes (every second step), set the DFAM to its last step, hit Play on the MD and off you go!
Rather interesting I’d consider to use both tracks and make use of individual track lengths, one can come up with some really nice grooves and rhythms :slight_smile:

Don’t forget to hook up the DFAM’s audio to the MD and send it thru NFX madness for further fun

EDIT: Something that is to note is that if you go to high BPM and have trigs on every step of the MD, the DFAM does not play at doubled-up tempo but rather, since I suspect that the time where the is no pulse falls too short, acts up weirdly. This might be mitigated by carefully working on GND-IMP’s parameters but as I said no pro in this respect