Machinedrum SPS-1 freezing on startup

Hey guys,

I have a problem with my Machinedrum SPS-1. When I turn it freezes on the startup screen.
Test mode runs just fine, and no errors are shown there, but if I try to reset the unit it freezes again. I performed a firmware update to 1.63 via midi but that did nothing at all.
I’ve looked all over the internet and haven’t really found a solution. I’ve e-mailed Elektron about this issue but they haven’t responded yet.
All help is welcome! I really miss my beats…

I have this issue semi-regularly. It seems to be something related to power - more specifically, a power spike of some sort from the power supply tripping something internally in the unit. If the it’s out of warranty, you can try taking it apart. You’ll need to disconnect/remove the control board and remove the bridge between the main logic board (at the bottom) and the output and power boards. Reassemble, and bam, your machine is good as new. Or, at least that works for me when it inevitably happens (usually after moving the unit and plugging it in to a different power outlet).


If the run test is ok, It’s likely to be a pin connnector (inside the MD) which is not well connected anymore. It happened to me last week. There is a topic about that ( probably in the old forum) . You just have to open the MD, then take off the first board & look at the 3 connectors.
It’s really easy to fix that, you don’t need advanced skills, just the right tool for opening the box. It will take 15mn . :wink:

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Mine has the same problem. I find im able to bypass this issue by having the power turned on before plugging it in. Hope this helps. Cheers.