Machinedrum SPS-1 MKII midi multitimbrality

how can I use MD MKII in multitimbral mode using 16 MIDI channels?
I wish I could set Logic Pro X up to sequence MD. I wish I could set up channel 1 for kick, channel 2 for snare, channels 3-4 for hihats, channels 5-8 for percussions and other for SFX. Is i t possible or am I limited to 4 (base) channels only? Thank you in advance.

You can’t set the MD to respond on 16 different MIDI channels.

But I don’t understand why you would want to. If you want to have a bunch of tracks in Logic which each trigger one track only on the MD, just set each track in Logic to send the MIDI note number that triggers the appropriate track on the MD. The default note numbers are given on page B-1 of the MD manual, but if you wanted to modify the default mapping for some reason, you can use the MD’s Map Editor feature.